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Instantly reinforce your team with world-class
healthcare engineers

Instantly reinforce your team with world-class healthcare engineers

Hundreds of thoroughly vetted engineers with deep experience in your sector, ready to start tomorrow and finish when you no longer need them.
Speed Speed Select among qualified talent that is already available to take on new projects.
Guarantee Quality guarantee All engineers are independently vetted by YouTeam and HackerRank for Work.
Minimum hassle Minimum hassle Don't bother with the hassle of recruiting. Just hit the button and get the work started.
Flexibility Flexibility After your task is taken care of, just scale your team back down until you need them again.
About us YouTeam is a Y Combinator-backed marketplace for hiring remote dev teams in Eastern Europe and Latin America. Check more about us here:
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Trusted by:
TideStarsky RoboticsMythingElementsOnapp

If you are looking to hire development contractors and you are afraid of the process, logistics, and other aspects, YouTeam will do that for you so you can focus on selecting the right person and making sure he is the right fit for your team/project. And if he is not, YouTeam is always there to support you for any changes needed.

Alex Chelmis

Alex Chelmis, Founder

Access to programmers with a desired skill set — clear background information and references. Ability to build out a team really quickly without having to countenance building that team ourselves - especially useful for short periods or bursts of activity. Access to talent as our business needs grow or shrink without the normal staffing costs/management has been of great benefit.

Tony Coyle

Tony Coyle, Software Architect