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Hire the best 5 Portlets engineers with YouTeam
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Vladimir O.
A very good candidate for analytical tasks and researches
Vladimir is a software developer with more than 7 years of experience in web development. He has good knowledge of...
UTC+00:00 (Europe/London)
$41 / Hour
Maksym G.
Inspiring team leader and a proactive problem solver
Maksym has over 7 years of experience as a software engineer. He used to play a leading role on large corporate...
UTC+00:00 (Europe/London)
$41 / Hour
Igor O.
A person with a strategic view and great practical...
Igor is a senior software developer with more than 11 years of experience. He is very good in algorithms and in...
UTC+00:00 (Europe/London)
$49 / Hour
Denis S.
Java Team Lead with general experience of commercial...
• J2EE software engineer with general experience of commercial software development of various projects with...
UTC+03:00 (Europe/Minsk)
$45 / Hour
Sergii S.
Java engineer with over 20 years of experience and...
There were numerous projects that required solving complex tasks related to Concurrency, Multithreading, and Low...
UTC+02:00 (Europe/Sofia)
$65 / Hour
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