Pavlo B.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
Dedicated and passionate Full Stack Developer with 7+ years experience in building web applications using RoR with several Frontend frameworks.
On my last project I developed the platform with a healthtech solution designed to revolutionize medical documentation by capturing, transcribing, and incorporating real-time patient data into Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. Completed development of a dashboard from scratch and integrated it with existing API. Implemented ability to record dialogue using Azure AI Speech Service. - Wrote own integration with Elastic Enterprise Search with memorization handled by Redis storage. - Wrote PostgreSQL-side function for generating random coordinates on map in range from certain spot ("donut-like" region, like point should be further than 5km but not farther than 15km). - Improved performance by rewriting ActiveRecord to Arel. - Improved performance of AngularJS app by refactoring logic on conditional elements - Refactored template nesting for emails to minify identical code and increase reliability.