Darlan R.
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backend developer
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Years of commercial development experience
3 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Historical data processing project anemometric measurements
Jun `21 - Jul `21
Due to the need to process a high amount of data, around 30 Gb of data per request, a cloud web solution was designed and developed that had the possibility of scalability and with the lowest cost for the company. I came up with a solution, which used 1 hour cache of data for reprocessing, scaling Cloud Run instances to execute heavier data while Cloud Function instances processed, cleaned and reorganized the data in buckets. Exporting at the end a signed url link for download using Google's own server at no additional cost.
Responsibilities & achievements
Application development and feedback for the cloud infrastructure team
Creation of mobile data visualization using AppScript
Apr `21 - Present
4 years
Due to the demand of field engineers to query data by cell phone in regions of Brazil that do not have internet or cell signal, a mobile solution with offline access had to be architected. I chose to use the lowcode AppScript platform that had been purchased by Google. The first solution used data stored in a Big Query table, but due to the high cost for a maximum of 30 users, the solution was refactored to use a Google Sheets spreadsheet that was updated every 4 hours by a script in Node scheduled in AirFlow with authentication of access to the MySQL database. The solution was created in 4 days and reduced transport costs for engineers who often had to travel to the nearest city to access the online web system and see all the local activity updates.
Responsibilities & achievements
Application development and solution architecture
On-premises legacy system refactoring to cloud
Jan `20 - Jul `21
1 year
The project was a refactoring of a legacy on-premise web system that contained metadata from anemometric measurement towers, for Google cloud services. In order to break the monolithic code into microservices, the PHP code was gradually refactored into NodeJs with ExpressJS and Python/Flask when there was a need for large data handling, dividing the responsibility between each cloud service that made sense for each functionality. In this project, which was my first contact with the cloud and lasted around 1 year and a half, I used many services like Cloud Storage, CDN, Google functions, Cloud Run, Container registry, Cloud SQL, etc. The project was available 24/7 to all engineering teams that used work order data, serialization, geolocation for strategic and operational decision making.
Responsibilities & achievements
Responsibilities Application development and feedback for the cloud infrastructure team
Higher education in Computer Science
Belo Horizonte/Brazil
Core Expertise
Banking & Finance, Accounting & Auditing, Big Data
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