José Mario C.
Vetted by YouTeam
El Salvador
UTC -06:00
I'm a Software developer with +15 years of experience in mobile apps, focused on research and development in Data Science and Machine Learning.
>Mobile Networks Optimazation Projects. >Cryptocurrencies prediction solutions. >Applications for Chipsets interaction with AT/Hayes commands. >Consultancies based on the theory of process optimization. >Design and development of WebRTC applications. >Several development of geodesic projects.
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Years of commercial development experience
15 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Recommendations of future business opportunities
Motorcycle dealership company
Historical data application for recommendations of future business opportunities according to public data sources and supervised algorithms. Using Python as main language and PostGres/PostGis as a database engine.
Responsibilities & achievements
Define, develop and deploy
Optimize occupancy bed on intensive care units
Public institution in the Healthcare sector
I defined and developed algorithms to optimize the occupancy of beds in intensive care units, using Python as main language, Jupyter Notebook as support tool.
Responsibilities & achievements
Define, develop and deploy
Object recognition classifier
International financial institution
I developed a reader and classifier of historical data in acquisitions and contracting of goods and services in PDF format with character recognition technology, analyzing the data obtained and representing the average price to obtain market parameters in future acquisitions.
Responsibilities & achievements
Define, develop and deploy
Cryptocurrency market prediction
Personal project
I developed predictive algorithms for the Cryptocurrency market based on historical data and data captured in real time using Python as the main language, Selenium and Jupyter Notbook as support tools.
Responsibilities & achievements
Define, develop and deploy
Mobile network optimization
Mobile system designed for the common telecommunications service user to report problems with their mobile device that they perceive within the coverage area provided by voice and data service providers, in real time.
Responsibilities & achievements
Design, development and implementation
Higher education in Computer Science
El Salvador
Core Expertise
Architecture & Design, Education & Science, Business & Productivity, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Construction & Real estate, Advertising & Marketing, Fashion & Style, Healthcare & Medicine, Data Science & Machine Learning, Big Data, Entertainment, Branding, design, web development
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