Lisbeth D.
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UTC -06:00
I'm a full stack developer with experience on interfaces with SAP, Databases and APIs
Dedicated and efficient full stack developer with 3+ years experience in developing and consuming Restful APIS, Web services , presentation layers, and databases. Implementing an Addon that allowed 15 companys start using Electronic Invoice on their RP on 2019-2021. Seeking to further improve React and CSS skills.
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Years of commercial development experience
3 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
FEL (Electronic Invoice) Add-On
Nov `20 - Feb `21
3 months
Insumos Buen Rollo (Go Green)
Development of an add-on that is incorporated or linked to SAP Business One and allows the sending of electronic documents supported by the current FEL Certifiers in Guatemala. Its objective is to allow the integration between the sales operations in SAP Business One towards the GFace of Guatemala and to provide your company with a monitoring and control tool that complies with the SAT standards.
Responsibilities & achievements
Development of backend that consumes the Webservices that the certificator provide and integration of SAP B1 APIS.
Sep `20 - Dec `20
3 months
Interface that allows process of intercompany between companies. Replicating customers and items in the multiple sub companies. Allowing the process of buying and sales primary material between the companies.
Responsibilities & achievements
Development of the functions in the database that obtains the information to replicate, and consuming the SAP B1 APIS to save the data in the RP.
Interface external systems and SAP B1
Jun `20 - Aug `20
2 months
Service interface that allows the creation of invoices and inventory adjustments in SAP B1 from the web platform where the clients buy the books online.
Responsibilities & achievements
Development of the functions in the database that obtains the information to replicate, and consuming the SAP B1 APIS to save the data in the RP.
Accounting Entries interface
Net Solutions
Service interface that allows the replication of journal entries in companies in different countries to adjust expenses
Responsibilities & achievements
Development of the functions in the database that obtains the journal entries to replicate, and consuming the SAP B1 APIS to save the data in the RP.
Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador
Core Expertise
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