Upper Intermediate
Ali T.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC +03:30
Upper Intermediate
Middle Flutter Developer
Skills: Dart(flutter), MVVM, Sqflie, Moor, Hive, Provider, Getx, Unit Test, Dio, Retrofit, Json, … Android (Java/Kotlin) ,Retrofit, Gson, Dagger, OsmDroid,Mapbox, Room,… Familiar with iOS(swift) Visual studio code, Android studio, XCode, Postman, Docker , JMeter, Familiar with Python (Deep Learning (CNN)) Database Design and Development (MSSQL, Postgres, Mongodb and …) ELK Stack Linux, Mac, Windows
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Years of commercial development experience
5 years of experience
Core technologies
Project Highlights
Mate Machine
Jul `21 - Present
4 years
Mate Machine is a dating social media startup company that currently is in stealth mode. Working on Flutter’s best architecture design for the current requirements. Implementing SignalR socket client and full-featured social media chat. Handling unique Firebase notifications for each user. Supporting other Firebase services like Analytics and Crashlytics. Implementing P2P WebRTC video chatting.
Responsibilities & achievements
Parsian Bank
Jun `20 - Present
5 years
There was a mobile bank application that was produced with react native. Managers want to reproduce old applications with Flutter. I was a consultant who offered to produce Ui first, Second, I design a structure to produce an application as much as possible expandable and maintainable. The first release, took time 6 months. This application is an official banking application from Parsian bank and users are able to do a cart-to-cart transaction with OTP (one-time-password) and use many features that exist inside the banking application. More than 200K users are using applications with 4.1 stars in the market. Working on Flutter’s best architecture design for the current requirements. Handling unique Firebase notifications for each user. Supporting services like Catcher to catch exceptions. Implementing OCR to read cart numbers.
Responsibilities & achievements
Anad Group
Apr `20 - Jun `20
2 months
Magic car alarm system is one of the car alarms in the world. Anad group was an official company, related to magic car alarms to produce car alarm’s mobile applications In Iran. We show each side of the users’ car in the application and the user was able to check and run commands to each side of their car. In addition, the user was able to see the history of locations that passed from a few months ago on an OSM map with a colored line. We also use Socket on the mobile application to check real-time of car and shows the car on the map.
Responsibilities & achievements
Behpardaz Jahan(Behsa) -
Jan `20 - Apr `20
3 months
01/2020 to 04/2020 Iran IoTel is a web-based and mobile application platform that provides you with a variety of tools and applications. These tools are a set of various services needed by the general public. By combining two or more different programs, you can create a new application tool to meet your daily needs and even share them with others and earn money. With IoTel, you will not need to install applications and subscribe to various channels and groups, and what you think of daily services and requirements will be available to you with one click. It is you who will determine what tool is active on your phone and tablet.
Responsibilities & achievements
Higher education in Computer Science
Tbilisi, Georgia
Core Expertise
E-Commerce & Retail, Construction & Real estate, Data Science & Machine Learning, Energy
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