Upper Intermediate
Andres E.
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UTC -05:00
Upper Intermediate
I am Biomedical engineer and Phd student on Bioengineering focused on artificial intelligence and Deep Learning tools.
I taught for one year a course of artificial neural network and deep learning tools at Universidad Autonoma de Occidente. In the same way I taught other course called Artificial Intelligence at UdeCataluña As a student I developed a signal classifier coming from a BCI interface with the objective of a person with reduced mobility will control the robot motions using MLP and SVM models Project: Design of a EEG signals classifier coming from a BCI interface using neural networks to control a hexapod robot.
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Years of commercial development experience
4 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
To find the best candidates for a position job, analyzing their CVs using NLP and text statistics
Responsibilities & achievements
Machine learning Engineer
Chest xrays images using machine learning algorithms
Rapid detection of pneumonia associated to Covid-19 by deep neural networks
Responsibilities & achievements
To research with the J-Clinic group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), leading the project for the early detection of Sars-CoV-2 using algorithms machine learning (Transformer), analyzing chest x-ray images.
Breast cancer detection
Breast cancer detection analyzing the birads level using Convolutional Neural Networks
Responsibilities & achievements
To research in agreement with the HUV Hospital a support system for early detection of breast cancer through digitals mammograms using CNN.
Higher education in Computer Science
El Salvador
Core Expertise
Architecture & Design, Education & Science, Business & Productivity, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Construction & Real estate, Advertising & Marketing, Fashion & Style, Healthcare & Medicine, Data Science & Machine Learning, Big Data, Entertainment, Branding, design, web development
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