Kairo A.
Location Map Pin Brazil
Main Clock UTC-03:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Angular/Java/Javascript developer with more than 4 years of experience
I’m Kairo Amorim, born in Brazil. I’m 20 years old, I have been developing software for 4 years. I’ve been on Nextage for about 3 years, working on a bunch of projects over the years. First on ControleNaMão, a complete restaurant system with Java as Back-end. PedidosNaMão & VinaApp, delivery apps, made to be connected with Systems like ControleNaMão. So, I worked on Viasoft Fintech, a project with a Flutter front-end and Java as Back-end with rest API communication. And nowadays I’m developing Interfit, a giant system with 3 modules, using Angular 12 as Web front, Java 11 as back-end and Flutter as mobile front. I also worked on other projects in the meantime, like PIPE HUB and Nx Admin. All focused on Java to a solid back-end to manage user data and system data, using some Frameworks like Sc, Spring security etc. On the front-end I was always focused on Angular, using Material and Bootstrap and services on Typescript to communicate with Java back-end.