Upper Intermediate
UTC -05:00
Johan is a software engineer with more than 6 years of experience in the IT field.
Johan is a software engineer with more than 6 years of experience in the IT field. The technologies he has worked on are mostly React and React Native on the Client Site and Nodejs and GraphQL on the Back-end Site.
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Years of commercial development experience
6 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Jan `21 - Present
4 years
Dashboard with a master-slave structure for creating several workers with several configurations and the user to execute these simultaneous
Responsibilities & achievements
led the processes oriented to the development cycle of a web application; the technology area had twopeople that I taught Javascript, React, Hooks, Redux and Next JS, concurrency and Agile frame. In thisapplication, I build a dashboard with a master-slave structure for creating several workers with severalconfigurations and the user to execute these simultaneous. These configurations had the end ofgenerating synthetic data with python, where I could configure a few endpoints that worked asmicroservices. Also, I proposed a hexagonal architecture in the spring boot backend project. Thisbackend had the responsibility to orchestrate several microservices.
Fullstack Engineer
Sep `18 - Jan `21
2 years
Fullstack Engineer
Developed three different mobile applications in React-Native under the agile methodology: Bikey,Mallsteps and FitVie.
Responsibilities & achievements
Thefront-end technologies: ReactNative, Redux, Jest, Android, Nativebase, Kotlin, AWS (Cognito, Pinpoint) andothers. Back-end: SQLite, GraphQL, Sequelize, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, AWS (Lambda, Pinpoint, S3, EC2)Docker and others. Some of the most relevant functionalities that these applications made were: 1. Showa dashboard to control the steps taken by the user: for this, implement the pedometer library andgeolocation. 2. Facial recognition: A module is created. I must recognise users' faces each time they go toEducation check-in or check-out inside a shopping centre.3. Agenda creation: an agenda is created whereusers can manage meetings.4. Access Control: integration with the Cognito library is created, and thepossibility of accessing through federated login is established with Gmail and Faceboo
Jan `18 - Sep `18
8 months
The functional and non-functional analysis was made for a web platform oriented to vehicle managementand control (ERP).
Responsibilities & achievements
analysis of the structuring and modelling of the database was carried out, somemodules of the platform in PHP were developed with the Scriptcase framework, de playing the role of fullstack developer and development engineer supporting the development cycle. Furthermore, tools such asCACOO were used for DB normalization and documentation of SQLyog, Rest API (Javascript), andapplying essential concepts on good practices of BD modelling and development engineering, such asSOLID
Colombia’s National University
Jan `16 - Nov `17
2 years
Colombia’s National University
A proposal and action plan were developed and applied so that people with disabilities can make use of the resources and services of the library network of the National University in Manizales.
Responsibilities & achievements
DevelopmentofanLMS(LearningManagementSystem)intheframeworkoftheprojectstrengtheningdigitalskillsbasedonlearningstyles:Assessmentstrategyforfirstsemesterstudents. The project has code 7547355 from Colciencias.Thiswebplatformallowsyoutotakeatestthatassessesthetypeofstudentlearning.Teacherscancreatecourseswithdifferentpersonalizedactivitiesaccordingtodifferentlearningstylesandalsoactivatethestudentswhoenrolinthecourses.Studentscanaccesstheplatform,carryouttheactivities and upload them to be later rated by the teacher.1.For the development of this LMS, languages such as JavaScript, PHP and “HTML5” areused. Bootstrap and JQuery are used in the libraries
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
Logistics & Transportation, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Construction & Real estate, Healthcare & Medicine, Automotive, Branding, design, web development, ERP
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