Gefferson S.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC -03:00
Front-end programmer
One of the projects I'm proud of is "Ecoleta". The idea of the project was to develop an App related to sustainability. In it I ended up using React, React Native, TypeScript, NodeJs. They were diverse technologies, challenging for me and that added a lot to me.
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Years of commercial development experience
1 year of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Pixel Pokedex
Sep `21 - Nov `21
2 months
Web App created to improve API requirement skills in ReactJs. In this sense, the app aims to make all Pokemons in Pixelated style appear for the user. The App consists of 4 different sections: Home: In this section you can see the Pokedex of all Pokemons; Contact: Here you can find the author's contact; Documentation: All application code; Load More: Loads 20 more Pokemons on the screen;
Responsibilities & achievements
Application creation and implementation.
Croissant Bakehouse
Jul `21 - Nov `21
4 months
Web App created to sell Products. To create it, ReactJs and knowledge of Styled Components were used. The App consists of 3 different sections: Choose your Favorite: In this section you can choose between the Croissant; Combo of the Day: Here you can find the offer of the day; Choose your Coffee: Choose your favorite coffee;
Responsibilities & achievements
Work with the graphics, styling and logo. How to implement it through React.
Task Manager
May `21 - Nov `21
6 months
Task Manager created to assist in planning, organizing and visualizing the intended tasks. In this sense, React, TypeScript and Styled Components were used to structure the project. The App consists of 3 different sections: Calendar: Here you can switch between the different months and years to check your task history; Input: In this section you enter data such as Deadline, Priority and Task Description; Task Board: Displays the items entered, where we find the Task, Deadline, Description and Progress percentage, as well as its Priority;
Responsibilities & achievements
Application creation and implementation.
Product Landing Page - Leica
Mar `21 - Nov `21
8 months
Web App developed for selling products. Here specifically the Leica camera. The site is composed of 3 different sections: Beginning: With the presentation of the product; Features: Presents the product features; Contact: Displays links to contact the seller;
Responsibilities & achievements
Application creation and implementation.
Jun `20 - Nov `21
1 year
Ecoleta is an Open Source project developed at Rocketseat's Next Level Week (1.0) using TypeScript, Node, React and React Native. The idea of the project is to develop an App related to sustainability. In this sense, Ecoleta provides better management to register and find waste collection points. These residues cannot be placed in the common trash.
Responsibilities & achievements
Figma transcript to code. Preparation of the server environment in NodeJs. Which made it possible to register through the app.
Higher Education
Belo Horizonte/Brazil
Core Expertise
Banking & Finance, Accounting & Auditing, Big Data
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