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Years of commercial development experience
6 years of experience
Core technologies
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Project Highlights
Dobcon (new product for DevOps users)
Jun `21 - Jan `22
7 months
Dobcon @Sillicon Valley
Create API REST and Web Socket environment to configure tools and manipulate the data between configuration and usage of the tools. Dashboard implementation retrieving data from the different tools that compose the pipelines, by doing this we achieved a MVP to launch beta to market. Dashboard implementation retrieving data from the different tools that compose the pipelines, by doing this we achieved a MVP to launch beta to market.
Responsibilities & achievements
Responsible for creating a new software architecture for a new product for DevOps users that implies the usage of different Devops tools like Jenkins, Gradle, Docker, Gitlab and others to manage and create dynamic pipelines to fit the project.
Real State AI Implementation (machine learning models)
Dec `19 - Apr `21
1 year
Dynatech Parques Industriales
Making integration with GIS to implement interactive dashboards. Golang, ReactJS and MongoDB the technologies used. Develop machine learning models and data engineering techniques to obtain KPIs. Python for ETL techniques: Pandas, Numpy, Scikit learn/sklearn (regression and classification), Facebook Prophet (for time series).
Responsibilities & achievements
Data collections and prosetion for IoT
Jun `18 - Feb `21
3 years
Backend developer using mainly Golang (Gin http framework), NodeJS (ExpressJS, SocketIO) and Python (Flask), depending on implementations performance Frontend developer with ReactJS, Materialize/Bootstrap CSS making interactive dashboards. DevOps implementing Gitlab CI/CD, Docker/Swarm, Ansible/Puppet and GCP (Google) stack for integration and deployment. Databases mainly MongoDB with Redis (Caching), MySQL/MSSQL to connect with other software clients. Linux system administrator for all services. HAProxy for load balance and Nginx implementation for web services.
Responsibilities & achievements
South and Center America
Core Expertise
Branding, design, web development
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