Mijail G.
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UTC -03:00
Senior Python Engineer with over 8 years of experience.
- Senior Software developer with over 8 years of software development experience. - With a Master's degree in Computer Science and strong research skills. - Specialized in Scrum, Design Patterns, MVC, Django, Flask, FastApi, linear programming, code injection, probabilistic planning, dynamic programming, separation of concerns, decision diagrams. and mostly back-end development focused in Python. - My other skills include fast learning, goal achievement focus, teamwork, and self-motivation.
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Years of commercial development experience
8 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
ISafety Service- EOG Resources
• Member of 9 engineers’ team. We are building new features for the Process Safety Management for EOG Resources. Developed Web system back-end using FastApi Python. Used Oracle and Mongo DB for data storage. The system uses Airflow to manage asynchronous tasks and Redis as Cache. • Implemented connections to other services like notifications service. • Company can automate all Process Safety Management.
Responsibilities & achievements
Deliveries - Leaflink
• Member of 7 engineers’ team. We are building new features for the logistics area of Leaflink. Developed Web system back-end using Django Python. Used Postgres for data storage. The system uses Redis and Celery to manage synchronous tasks. • Company could automate many logistics processes.
Responsibilities & achievements
Arsenal - Splunk
• Member of 4 engineers’ team for building a system for orchestrating many services for running Splunk demos. Developed Web system back-end using Flask Python with JWT for user authentication. Used Postgres for data storage. Also had some microservices for notifications and scheduling. Notification microservice was developed with NodeJS. We used Redis and Celery to manage asynchronous tasks. • The company was able to create demos in the cloud.
Responsibilities & achievements
GHKRI - Hearst
• Member of 3 engineer team for adding new feature to the system of Good House Keeping Research Institute. Backend development with Django Python Celery and Redis. Front development with React. Created Unit test with Pytest. Also did some maintenance over the notifications app. • The company was be able to use more flows for testing new types of products with new emblems.
Responsibilities & achievements
Web systems for NGOs
• Worked on projects for helping NGOs for managing many aspects like libraries and stores. • All projects were built from scratch. • These projects mainly were developed with Python Django. • Developed an API that is consumed for several apps. • Used Django templates for the front. • Technologies used: Python, Django, Celery, MySQL, Postgres, Microservices, Azure DevOps, Office 365 authentication, Docker, Heroku, Node.js.
Responsibilities & achievements
Web systems for NGOs
• Worked on projects for helping a Startup by allowing people to report crimes • Projects were built from scratch. • This project had a backend in Python Django. • Front-end developed in react using Google Maps API.
Responsibilities & achievements
ARE Inspection
• Platform for train bridges maintenance Work with a team of 4 people. Web development with React, React Native, Realm, Java, PostgreSQL, Git. I was focused on the front end. We used Jenkins for the CI/CD. We implemented a mobile app with react native for registering inspections with the ability of the app to be used in offline mode. • The company had a manual process for inspecting bridges so the system helps the company to automate reports about inspections. With the mobile app, we also allow the employees to inspect bridges in offline mode when the bridge is in a place without internet connections.
Responsibilities & achievements
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, SaaS
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