Carlos G.
Vetted by YouTeam
Republic of Panama
UTC -05:00
Senior Python developer with over 15 years of experience.
- Around 15 to 20 years working on software development, making integration with systems, creating mobile apps, web services, integrating the geographic interface, for public organizations. - With a big background in open source. With Python, he is part of the founder of the python community in Venezuela. - Strong knowledge and technical background in both Python and Web development (FastAPI and Flask specifically). With experience in GCP and AWS. - Experience as a tech lead, in charge of guiding the team to be able to work as a team and helping with any problems they encounter. - For the last 2 years I have been working on the solution response for COVID in Panama, creating apps for the testing of Covid, integrating the data for all the APIs, made it into something manageable. - Able to work as Tech Lead, Data Engineer and/or Fullstack Developer.
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Years of commercial development experience
15 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Esri Panamá
As a member of the Professional Services team, I was responsible for creating the automation of the workflow of COVID-19 testing, deliver of APIs for citizens' ID validation, and creating of ETLs to synchronize information between systems using ETL made with Pandas, SQL Alchemy and the ArcGIS Python API. Build. Creation of QA/QC environments and automatic validations for data workflows. For the vaccination project, I was responsible for the offline citizen validation App (programming a Java Android app that opened a custom Survey123 form using deep links), data management, and transformation from several systems to the ArcGIS Platform and enabling it back using REST APIs, creating a QA/QC dynamic environment automation. I also worked with web scraping routines for gathering climate and electric network information. Presenter in GeoAI, JavaScript API, Data Science, and Machine Learning topics. Co-organizer of the Semillero de Innovación de Panamá.
Responsibilities & achievements
As the Technical Leader of the Geospatial Hub of Panamá (Innovation Governmental Authority) I administered several servers on Windows Server 2012 R2, CentOS and Ubuntu, made maintenance and upgrades for QGIS, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, JBoss Fuse, GeoServer, GeoNetwork, and GeoNode. Programmed a web solution for exchanging data from MS Excel files to PostgreSQL/PostGIS databases (Python). Programming of a mobile app to capture geographic data with custom forms (Ionic). Create and teach courses for content about Desktop GIS, geographic databases, OGC web services, and map publications.
Responsibilities & achievements
- JoinUp Green Intelligence S.L.
Part of the development team working on a new version of the company's web systems and mobile apps. Tasks related to the backend, frontend, and mobile app.
Responsibilities & achievements
Corporación Caita G8, C.A
Selecting technologies, platforms, and programming of the front and back-end of a car parts retail venture. The backend connects a small administrative system with the front-end and the MercadoLibre.com web store. Running projects for online shops, automation of publishing for products on websites using scrappers and bots, and website, POS, and administrative system for a hardware store.
Responsibilities & achievements
Uakami Studio
Manage the Jira ticket system to assign tasks to developers. Track sites changes during migration from onsite servers to AWS infrastructure. Track issues from PHP websites migration from previous versions to 5.3. Solve problems on Python-related websites and web apps.
Responsibilities & achievements
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, SaaS
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