Arnaldo P.
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UTC -04:30
Fullstack Developer
Systems Engineer and Software Developer who is a Freethinker and aware of how much he still has for growing. In a permanent quest for personal and professional development. Passionate of solving problems, and what a better way than software development. Being challenged is what fuels him the best, and he has an endless thirst for new knowledge. Leading and management experience made him a more caring person with my co-workers and confirmed to him that happy people and healthy working environments offer the best results.
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Years of commercial development experience
8 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
● As a freelance developer he had developed 2 web apps for insurance quotation based on clients information. It’s also integrated with a messaging platform to interact with the clients via Whatsapp. On this occasion he was in charge of the entire process, from gathering of requirements to the development of the Front-end and Back-end. ● Having established himself as a Vue.Js programmer, he decided to develop this application with Nuxt.Js, using TypeScript and all the good practices to guarantee a quality product that is easily maintainable and scalable. Also, this project was deployed using Google Cloud Functions to host the Express APIs and backend logic with Node.js. In the cloud using Google FIrebase, making use of NoSQL databases, microservices with functions in the cloud and file repositories, integrations. ● All the requirements and quality management tasks, infrastructure management, continuous deployment, among others aspects, also depend on his part. ● The app gathers the client’s data and uses it to calculate the cost of insurance. ● In this project, he started by setting the base requirements with the client
Responsibilities & achievements
● Worked on integrating different services with API’s and webhooks, including payment gateways, messaging platforms and Google Sheets. He had the chance to develop different solutions based on Google Sheets using Google App Script. ● In this position, he had to work with different services and API’s to create solutions for the business, based only on the requirements provided by the company staff. ● He strengthened his skills in Back-end development, performing various integrations with payment gateways, databases, messaging platforms, CRM, among others.
Responsibilities & achievements
● In 2018 he got his first job as a developer on a project using Vue.Js, a technology that he decided to adapt as his main tool for Front-end development. ● In this job he collaborated in the realization of an ERP designing components and functionalities based on models and requirements previously established by the team. ● In this role he received the mockups made by the company’s designer in Adobe XD, and then he set out to build them within the application, using the Vuetify component framework to comply with the aesthetic line of the application. ● An important part of the value of this experiencia was the integration into a well-established work environment, with GIT flows, clear requirements from the project leader, and a well-articulated work team.
Responsibilities & achievements
● He integrated an ordering platform with the billing system of the branches, in such a way that when an order is issued on the platform it is automatically reflected in the system and the order is sent to the kitchen. ● For this solution, he developed a webhook that receives the information to the online orders, and stores them in a database, so that later a desktop application that is listening to the changes in the database processes the order. ● The webhook was developed with NodeJs and Express; and it was hosted on the Google Firebase platform, using Cloud Functions for the webhook and Real Time DataBase for storing the orders. ● The desktop application was developed with C#, being designed to run in the background and show a log of the event related to the orders.
Responsibilities & achievements
● In this experience he was able to highlight his ability to learn and adapt to new technology to respond quickly and efficiently. ● To develop the application in Make, he had to understand the internal structure of the platform and its operation, which allowed, through a declarative code of the platform, to develop the visual interface and the functionality of the modules that have access to the Rebill functionalities from friendly interface in Make.
Responsibilities & achievements
● Software for insurance policies quotation for Segenesis.com. ● The app gathers the clients data and uses it to calculate the cost of insurance. ● https://cotizados.facilseguro.com/salud ● https://cotizados.facilseguro/incendio
Responsibilities & achievements
Higher education in Computer Science
United States
Core Expertise
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