Manuel M.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC -05:00
Sr. Data Scientist
Engineer with +7 years of experience, he likes to work with different technologies such as Python, JavaScript, Flask, Git, AWS, among others.
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Years of commercial development experience
7 years of experience
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Other technologies
Project Highlights
Salmonela detection
Responsibilities ● Create a data ETL and ML model to detect salmonella infection for chicken production, using a random forest algorithm, to impact a 10MM decision for disease contention on geolocated farm regions.
Responsibilities & achievements
● Create a data ETL and ML model to detect salmonella infection for chicken production, using a random forest algorithm to impact a 10MM decision for disease contention on geolocated farm regions.
Customer Classifier & Churning Model
● Created a data pipeline to dynamically cluster customers (restaurants) based on their history (paid price, FOF, returns), location and product mix consumption, using a partition around medoids (PAM) algorithm for mixed variables. ● Deployed an ML model to predict churn for these customers (nearly 12K)that buy food products on a monthly basis, and a Shiny dashboard to manage retention.
Responsibilities & achievements
Commercial profile scoring API
● Trained a commercial profiling machine learning model, to score loan applicants based on their attractiveness (repeat loans, returning, LTV) ● Designed and implemented API to fetch features from customers about metrics like earnings, job type, credit score, financial products owned, to return a score. ● Deployed the APIcreating the endpoints in Sagemaker and exposing them on API Gateway, to get an 37% increase Q4-20 vs Q1-21 on approved loans.
Responsibilities & achievements
Performance dashboards and reports
● Created the reports and dashboards using R markdown and flexdashboard designing visualiztions and interactive graphhics in JavaScript and Highcharter. ● Deployed the solution on EC2 using Shiny Server, on a virtual private cloud to be accesssed by employees at Independencia, in time record. ● Designed the data pipeline to fetch data from our databases in PostgreSQL, customer profiles from Mambu SaaS API and web usage from Google Analytics. ● Defined the performance metrics from cmmercial and financial perspective customer behavior CSI scores and documented the metrics.
Responsibilities & achievements
HR Attrition Analysis
TIXM Market Research & AI
● Defined with the HR representative (Southern Peru Mine) the problematic of low engagement of technicians and the goal to improve attrition ● Analyzed the data from technicians like education, employee satisfaction, income, promotions, work-life balance, and others to see what impacted employee turnover ● Created a machine learning model to predict attrition for the next three and five years, with an accuracy of 83%
Responsibilities & achievements
Library user analysis
TIXM Market Research & AI
● Defined with the Library Manager (San Isidro Municipality) the problem of detecting users and behavior inside the public library ● Analyzed data like room usage, peak hours, services required and books requested and the movement inside the reading rooms to define pattern ● Created a movement detection model using OpenCV, which explained that sectors of the library where used, in what time and what were the underlying reasons
Responsibilities & achievements
Pricing analysis of automotive parts
TIXM Market Research & AI
● Analyzed time series of parts sales, market basket analysis, price comparisons between competitors and elasticity of demand ● Created an automated report with prescriptive steps towards price of parts, where to apply promotions and which parts could rise the price to improve revenue ● Defined withthe BI administrator (Divemotor Peru) the need of reports on parts sales, pricing, competitiveness and opportunities to improve revenue
Responsibilities & achievements
Commercial Planning BI Dashboard
General Motors
● The challenge was to increase sales in 40% YoY for 2017, in a difficult environment of fewer vehicle sales and dealers in Peru ● Asked for access to the SAP data, GM Maxis Platform and Power BIReport Server to create a data pipeline and stream to an analysis database to a final report ● Create a commercial dashboard mixing vehicle sales and historic parts sales on Power BI, with presciptive steps for promotions in parts improve revenue Nominated for the Analytics Leadership GroupPrize in Detroit, MI.
Responsibilities & achievements
Higher education in Computer Science
United States
Core Expertise
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