Upper Intermediate
Nicolas F.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC -03:00
Upper Intermediate
Ruby on Rails developer with a background in IoT.
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Years of commercial development experience
5 years of experience
Core technologies
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Project Highlights
Planned architecture and developed REST APIs from scratch. Project: Online payment platform where you can pay for services, transfer money, charge credit to the cell phone, and more. Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails - Redis - MySQL - Datadog - Docker - Kubernetes - Jenkins - Git - Scrum.
Responsibilities & achievements
Planned architecture and developed REST APIs from scratch. Project: Online payment platform where you can pay for services, transfer money, charge credit to the cell phone, and more. Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails - Redis - MySQL - Datadog - Docker - Kubernetes - Jenkins - Git - Scrum.
Backend development from scratch. Project: mobile application to measure the electricity consumption of private homes. Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails - Redis - OracleSQL - PostgreSQL- Rollbar - Splunk - Docker - Jenkins - Git - Scrum.
Responsibilities & achievements
Backend development from scratch. Project: mobile application to measure the electricity consumption of private homes. Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails - Redis - OracleSQL - PostgreSQL- Rollbar - Splunk - Docker - Jenkins - Git - Scrum.
Development of several projects: - Speech recognition system: Real time Speech recognition system in Spanish using finite grammar, Bash and HTK. - Control and monitoring DC motor: Control and monitoring of a 12V DC motor using an atmega328p microcontroller with modbus rtu. Implementation of PID control algorithm. Monitoring using Matlab and Scada ifix 4.0. - Clustering algorithms: Implementation of EM and K-means algorithms using Matlab. - Neural Networks: Implementation of Hopfield, single perceptron and multilayer trained with genetics algorithms, back-propagation algorithm and simulated annealing. The code was written in Matlab. - IOT platform: Research, design and implementation of a generic IOT platform using ExpressJS, AngularJS, PostgreSQL, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi.
Responsibilities & achievements
Development of several projects: - Speech recognition system: Real time Speech recognition system in Spanish using finite grammar, Bash and HTK. - Control and monitoring DC motor: Control and monitoring of a 12V DC motor using an atmega328p microcontroller with modbus rtu. Implementation of PID control algorithm. Monitoring using Matlab and Scada ifix 4.0. - Clustering algorithms: Implementation of EM and K-means algorithms using Matlab. - Neural Networks: Implementation of Hopfield, single perceptron and multilayer trained with genetics algorithms, back-propagation algorithm and simulated annealing. The code was written in Matlab. - IOT platform: Research, design and implementation of a generic IOT platform using ExpressJS, AngularJS, PostgreSQL, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi.
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
Architecture & Design, Business & Productivity, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Information services & Technologies, Entertainment & Games, Construction & Real estate, Advertising & Marketing, Healthcare & Medicine, Booking & Rent, Insurance & Risk Management, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Data Science & Machine Learning, Big Data, Internet of Things, Games, Entertainment, Branding, design, web development, Augmented reality
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