David P.
Location Map Pin Mexico
Main Clock UTC-06:00 (America/Mexico_City)
7 years involved in all the Software Testing cycle. Execution of test cases in both manual. Involved extensively in the Functional testing
Experience in automation testing using Robot Framework, Python, Selenium Web driver, Mobile Automation with Espresso and Kotlin. Proficient in writing Selenium WebDriver automation scripts in JAVA using ANT, Maven, Cucumberand Testing Automation Testing for Web Applications Experience in developing end to end automation using Selenium WebDriver/RC/IDE/Grid, Junit/TestNG, ANT, Maven, Jenkins Worked on development and implementation of applications using Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, J2EE, JNDI, JMS, Struts, Spring, Spring Boot, Maven, XML, HTML, DHTML, AJAX, JavaScript, Web Services, Cascading Style Sheets, Oracle 8/9.x/10g, IBM DB2 9.1, MS SQL Server 2005, 2008, PL/SQL and expertise with Hibernate, Struts, Grails and Java Server Faces Web application framework. Extensive experience with major back-end automation projects, calling RESTful web services and SQL databases via Java