Alejandro H.
Location Map Pin Mexico
Main Clock UTC-06:00 (America/Mexico_City)
Currently project manager and business analyst for Ignus. Excellent communication skills, experienced in requirement analyisis.
I'm currently a project manager at Ignus, a software development company, where my role is both project management and business analysis. Since I am a partner at the company, I do a myriad of different tasks, but first and foremost I consider myself a link between our dev team, and clients (more so with english speaking clients). I've worked in diverse projects ranging from construction, finance, and software development, where my duties include: requirement analysis with clients, micromanaging team members, project planning, process mapping, analysis, and financial projections. In terms of communication, I can humbly say I'm quite confident in my english skills, as I've lived back, and forth between Mexico, and the US, furthermore many family members including my parents, as well as some of my siblings still reside there, so I feel very comfortable around english speakers, and still visit the US often.