Upper Intermediate
Anna D.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC +02:00
Upper Intermediate
NodeJS Developer
I am fond of writing beautiful and efficient code and am interested in learning new technologies. Recently I have switched to the NodeJS technology stack
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Years of commercial development experience
4 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
inext Alcatraz
Jan `19 - Oct `21
3 years
A cloud SaaS Device Management System designed for monitoring and controlling STBs on a certain network or conditions.
Responsibilities & achievements
Maintaining and extending functionality of an existing Laravel-based API. Implementation of user interface features with VueJS.
A college counselor application intended to form a personalized list of colleges recommended based on the user's answers to a quiz.
Responsibilities & achievements
Adding functionality to an existing API. Fixing bugs.
Pleez Menu Optimization Lead Generation
A landing page that displays information about the company product, namely, restaurant menu optimization. It is used to show relevant information (menu insights) about the restaurant delivery menu and encourages the customer to start cooperation with the company.
Responsibilities & achievements
Develop both frontend and backend.
Pleez Menu Optimization Dashboard
A dashboard for displaying analytics from sales reports and restaurant delivery menus (graphics, tables, etc.)
Responsibilities & achievements
Participated in designing the overall project structure and database architecture. Implementing logic for calculating analytics based on database data on reports and menus.
Higher Education
Core Expertise
Architecture & Design, Banking & Finance, Information services & Technologies, Healthcare & Medicine
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