Daniel S.
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UTC -03:00
Frontend developer, passionate about technology, studying full-stack and enthusiast in the security area.
I am a Developer with extensive knowledge in technology, specialist front-end, full stack developer. I have been developing for three years with an intense pace of learning. I've been through the most diverse areas, from ERP systems to cryptocurrency solutions such as Games NFT, Decentralized Exchange, NFT marketplace, etc.
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Years of commercial development experience
0 year of experience
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Other technologies
Project Highlights
PARIS6 store
Jul `22 - Present
3 years
It is a virtual store where the user can buy NFTS to get benefits within PARIS6. The user can have benefits in according with the category of the NFT he bought. They have a system of LEVEL which could be applied.
Responsibilities & achievements
Created the concept of the project as whole, applying principles of microservices and solid principles, creating a scalable and consistent application. I was the leader of the front-end team.
Feb `22 - Present
3 years
Genezys Global Tech
The project is concerning a decentralized marketplace that runs on the Solana and BSC blockchains.
Responsibilities & achievements
Responsible for project architecture and implementation of User Experience and UI creation.
Clash of Cars subsidiary project
Oct `21 - Feb `22
4 months
Genesis Global Tech
As Developer and Team Coordinator, I had the role of architecting the application and designing the flow together with the Designer and the Heads of the game, crypto and back teams. One of the biggest challenges was the short deadlines, but based on the team's understanding and the adopted plans, the projects were delivered on time and with excellent quality.
Responsibilities & achievements
As Developer and Team Coordinator, I had the role of architecting the application and design the flow together with the Designer and the Heads of the game, crypto and back teams. One of the biggest challenges was the short deadlines, but based on the team's understanding and the adopted plans, the projects were delivered on time and with excellent quality.
SEG Development
Jul `21 - Sep `21
2 months
Determined which technology emerged and could be accessible by all types of company and business.
Responsibilities & achievements
⦁ Developed and designed components for an ERP system, integrating with the company Sankhya, a reference in the area of business management.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Core Expertise
Architecture & Design, Banking & Finance, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Big Data, Branding, design, web development
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