Yurii V.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC +02:00
JavaScript & TypeScript Developer (React.js, Node.js (Express))
Yurii is a front-end developer with more than 2 years of work experience. For most of this time, he has been developing sleek User Interfaces and business logic for multi-vendor marketplace projects. Yurii's key tech stack is TypeScript, React.js, Redux Toolkit, and Styled Components. On the backend side, he has worked with Node.js and Express.js.
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Years of commercial development experience
2 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Healthcare application
Development of healthcare application and UI library for it.
Responsibilities & achievements
Writing e2e and unit tests using Jest and Cypress. Develop React SPA with Redux, Typescript. Creating UI library for project using React, Typescript, Storybook, Rollup. And work with the back-end using NodeJs, Express and Firebase services.
Marketplace for psychologists
Development of healthcare application and UI library for it. There were two hybrid apps for clients and psychologists. Clients could register/login using social logins, then book a session with the psychologist then pay for it using Stripe services and then have a meet in Jitsi meet video chat with psychologist. Psychologists could see their future consultation with client and also have a meet with clients in videochat.
Responsibilities & achievements
Developed and supported client side of hybrid applications for psychological help; Developed User and Psychologist (admin) apps using Ionic, Typescript, React, Redux Toolkit, and Styled Components ; Developed landing pages using NextJS, i18-next and TailwindCSS. Took part in the development of UI library; Took part in the development of the server-side; Worked with FIrebase services (Authentication, Firestore database, Realtime database, Storage, Hosting, Functions, Cloud Messaging, Analytics); Set up CI/CD using Github Actions; Worked with Google Cloud Platform (Compute engine).
Games & Crypto
Development of websites on JAMstack using Typescript, NextJs (Server Side Rendering and Static Site Generation), Redux Toolkit, Strapi CMS, Styled Components, Docker.
Responsibilities & achievements
Development of SEO friendly websites and apps using NextJs; Integration of Strapi CMS for allowing users to build and manage website or app without having to code it from scratch or know how to code at all; Worked with animation tools like GSAP, Rive, Lottie; Worked with forms using Formik and Yup for validation. Deployment app using Vercel.
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
Education & Science, Banking & Finance, Internet & Telecom, Healthcare & Medicine, Electronics & Equipment, Insurance & Risk Management, Automotive
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