José Augusto Zimmermann N.
Location Map Pin Brazil
Main Clock UTC-03:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
#aws, #react, #development and #fullstackdevelopmentTalks about hashtag, hashtag react, hashtag development, and hashtag fullstack development
I'm certified AWS Developer and Cloud Practitioner (getting ready for Solution Architect), doing the official preparation course for the Linux Foundation's Noje.JS JSNAD & JSNSD certifications. I also have the Udacity's React Nanodegree and Coursera's AWS Fundamentals Specialization, Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals and Programming with Google Go Specialization. I started working with internet creating static websites about 20 years ago, open my own company (allPREF) and started to create software (SaaS) to manage City Halls, helping the Internal Controller in various tasks. When interest in mobile apps came, I developed an app for people to be able to find sports social projects near their home, and for city councilor candidates to be able to present online their proposals to the citizens.