Yuri M.
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C/C++, Java and C# developer, with experience in game development.
Monitoring and teaching on introduction to software infrastructure classes Gaming development and market Worked on international companies such Blackberry, OKI, and NCR Undergraduate thesis on NFT based games I worked on two research projects at the university
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Years of commercial development experience
5 years of experience
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Project Highlights
Pet Empires
Blackberry Tech Center Recife
A game developed for the blackberry platform. The team developed a mobile game with the following characteristics: * 1x1 multiplater game * Built for the BB0S 10 operational system from Blackberry * Battle system based on rock-paper-scissors * Based on pets as the name implies. Cat's vs Dogs * Short battles (2 ~ 3 minutes)
Responsibilities & achievements
Battle engine and in-game menus.
SMG4PCIP (Stochastic Models Generator for Private Cloud Infrastructure Planning)
CNPQ (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development)
A system to generate models for private cloud infrastructures. The team developed a modeling application with the following : * Automatic generation of ideal models of cloud computing * Generate models considering performance, availability, dependability and cost aspects * Customers can customize the desired model based on their needs
Responsibilities & achievements
Develop new functionalities and migrate Mercury application version used in the project. Technologies: Java, Mercury.
Class Monitor
Monitoring and teaching on introduction to software infrastructure classes.
Responsibilities & achievements
Monitoring and teaching. Technologies: C, C++, assembly language, NASM.
SIAC (Itautec's Commercial Automation System)
OKI Brasil and NCR
Enhance the system, updating the application server and adding new technologies. The team accomplieshed the following activities: * Migration of application server * Add new functionalities * Conditional compilation based on which server to use * Change the logging library
Responsibilities & achievements
Migrate the system from JBoss application server to Wildfly 11 Application server, and maintain the functionality in both servers. Technologies: Java EE, Application Servers, Hibernate, Oracle and SQL Server Databases.
Linx and Stone Co.
A system that manages financial transactions like credit, debit and voucher operations. The team accomplieshed the following activities: * Develop new functionalities * Maintain the full functionalaty of the system 24/7 for +100 customers * Adapt system to new acquirers especifications * Develop system support applications
Responsibilities & achievements
Develop new functionalities and maintain the system. Tecnologies: C++, C#, Angular, ISO 8385 Standard.
Higher education in Computer Science
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