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Years of commercial development experience
3 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Interactive self-management tool and Cloud-based solution.
Responsibilities & achievements
Developed an Interactive self-management tool. Cloud-based solution. Development and migration from a React monolith to an Angular micro front-end from scratch. - Single SPA, Angular 9, Typescript, Reactive Forms, Web Components (Lit), CSS, - SCSS, Bootstrap, API Rest, Postman, ChartJS. - Azure DevOps, manual/automated deployments, SCRUM, Figma, Miro, CI/CD.
Interactive self-management tool. On-Premise solution.
Responsibilities & achievements
Developed an Interactive self-management tool. On-Premise solution. Development and maintenance. - AngularJS, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, API Rest, Postman. - GitLab, SCRUM, Jira, CI/CD, manual deployments.
Web and Mobile apps.
Responsibilities & achievements
Web + Mobile Apps: Development and maintenance. - React, Redux, Angular 7, Typescript, Ionic, Reactive Forms, CSS, SCSS, Styled Components, Bootstrap, Android Studio, API Rest, Postman. - NodeJS, Express, Firebase, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Adminer, Swagger.
E-commerce project
Responsibilities & achievements
E-commerce: Development and maintenance - React, Hooks, Context API, Styled Components, Chakra UI, Bootstrap, API Rest, Postman, Angular 12, Typescript, Reactive Forms, RxJs. - NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Firebase, Jest, Swagger, BFF.
Embedded system for real-time monitoring of a forklift fleet.
Responsibilities & achievements
Project Leader: Web + Mobile App + Raspberry Pi embedded system for real-time monitoring of a forklift fleet. - React, Hooks, Typescript, Context API, CSS, API Rest, Azure DevOps, SCRUM, Postman, CI/CD. - Python, XAMPP, Apache, MySQL, PHP, SQL SERVER, NodeJS, Express.
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
Architecture & Design, Business & Productivity, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Information services & Technologies, Entertainment & Games, Construction & Real estate, Advertising & Marketing, Healthcare & Medicine, Booking & Rent, Insurance & Risk Management, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Data Science & Machine Learning, Big Data, Internet of Things, Games, Entertainment, Branding, design, web development, Augmented reality
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