Federico F.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC -03:00
React , Nodejs Developer Ssr
iam full stack javascript developer. Lover of the clean and readable code, the coffee and the latest technology trends. I learned everything I know in a self-taught way. I love doing projects, the start up mentality and it never stops improving. I always loved science. When i was 15 i start learning electronics, after that i needed to learn to program microchips in c++. My dream in that moment weas to develop for my self a domotic system. Istarted learnig frontend because i needed to make interfaces to control microchips and i started learning backend to communicate the interfaces with the microchips. That was the beginning of my development history.
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Years of commercial development experience
4 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Oct `21 - Nov `22
1 year
Create 2 webapps from scratch Server side rendering, multitenant managment and microfrontent app Add unit testing and ensure the quality of my own and the team's code. We migrate a complex wordpress plugin to a React Next.JS app, created from scratch. This app is multitenant and use REST API. After that we create another app as a microfrontent to be inserted with modules federation. This app was created to customize the UI settings of the tenant clients in the first next.js app
Responsibilities & achievements
Senior React Frontend Developer
Jan `21 - Jun `21
5 months
Develop small modules as freelance developer Educabot promotes maker culture in children, adolescents and adults as a tool for learning, exploration and development. Educabot was created to collaborate in the formation of a new generation capable of employing technology in the search for creative solutions to real problems. Everything is done by educabot through workshops, courses, content and products.
Responsibilities & achievements
React Frontend Developer
Dec `20 - Sep `21
9 months
Develop new UI features Give support to bugs Add unit testing and ensure the quality of my own and the team's code. Working on Synack Boss internal administration application, I solved and carried out more than 100 different tasks. From adding unit testing, take care of bugs, implement new UI modules, end to end testing, report errors, code review, test pull request.
Responsibilities & achievements
Fullstack Developer
Rene Holdings
Apr `19 - Dec `19
8 months
Rene Holdings
Supervising android and ios development React Native development In 4 months, without help, I programmed a React Native application with more than 54 screens. And in the next 5 month we developed a complex application in React Native with a new team. With an aws environment with appsync, graphql, etc. Achieving an investment of 100k USD
Responsibilities & achievements
Leader of Mobile Development
Albany Technologies
Mar `18 - Feb `19
11 months
Albany Technologies
Backend development in the Iris framework (Go) Frontend development with React and Redux Digital Ocean, and Aws deployment I was a web developer in a 2 people team at PeopleGateGo an ERP developed by the company already named. In 7 months we migrated an environment that used sap with more than 22,000 monthly consultations to these technologies in an aws environment reducing operating costs to much more than half
Responsibilities & achievements
Backend development
Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia
Core Expertise
Logistics & Transportation, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Information services & Technologies, Construction & Real estate, Advertising & Marketing, Internet & Telecom, Big Data, Telecommunication
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