Sergio M.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC -06:00
I am a responsible and commited person who always give his best in order to satisfy the needs of my projects and to offer my best to them.
• Experience in GIT Repository and SourceTree Tool. • Have worked on various database like Oracle 12g, PostgreSQL. • Have very good experience in Data Structures and Algorithms • Good experience in Java design patterns, DAO, MVC, Singleton, Facade. • Good experience in IDE Eclipse MARS2, STS and Visual Studio Code. • Good communication skills, self-taught person with a high degree of commitment to work in-groups as well as independently and always seeking to learn the latest Java technologies.
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Years of commercial development experience
10 years of experience
Core technologies
Project Highlights
MFOL POS UI Printing Project
Oct `21 - Present
3 years
Sabre Company, USA
MFOL POS UI (Mainframe Offload Post-Of-Sale User Interface) Printing Project is about to build a suite terminal gateway widgets using Java technology working with Sabre architecture and existing system as well as the creation of the documentation.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Worked on the analysis of the Sabre POSQ system and the java libraries created by Sabre used to connect Sabre Mainframe. • Worked on creating UML diagrams of Sabre commands use cases using PlantUML tool and Spring Boot framework. • Worked on generating PDF documentation about current Sabre POSQ commands system using Latex, Pandoc, FMPP tools. • Worked on unit test of Sabre POSQ commands using Junit 5 framework • Workd on Git repositories using Bitbucket cloud for all the projects
CloudCollector platform
Aug `20 - Aug `21
1 year
Equifax, México
CloudCollector is a web platform that manages all the tasks of the people involved in the recovery of credit portfolios.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Worked with Bootstrap 5 and Angular Material in the design of new component views. • Worked on consuming rest web services from components of Angular 8/9. • Developed on adding translations to the website in 3 different languages using Angular 8/9 • Worked on form validations for the record of transactions • Developed on creating new angular components for showing modals, grids, maps. • Developed on pdf reports with pie charts from consuming several rest services using Angular 8
Billing module on QuikAllot platform
Mar `20 - Jul `20
4 months
Openwave Computing LLC, USA (New York)
QuikAllot is a web and mobile application for field service management businesses, designed to enhance field operations from customer complaints, scheduling tasks, dispatching technicians. The project was about to code a module for the dynamic creation of invoices both in view and stored on the server and their download by user in PDF. New screens and new rest web services were developed for this assignment.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Worked with Bootstrap in th design of new views and their components. • Worked on Angular 8 for communication of views to backend. • Rest web services creation in backend using Spring Boot 2. • PDF invoice creation and download of the portal using Jaspersoft software and the java jasperreports library. • Worked on Spring Data JPA for data persistence. • Worked on validation for accesing to menus and their views according to user privileges. • Worked on changes of JPQL queries according to Project requirements.
Website SIEF
Mar `19 - Feb `20
11 months
Corporate Elektra/Banco Azteca, Mexico (CDMX)
The website SIEF is a web application which shows a list of SIEFORE (siefore is the investment fund in which Afores invest worker’s money seeking to obtain the highest possible return for them), share price, share sold, share purchased. It also provides functionality to record the amounts of money to invest in the available shares.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Working on MVC design patterns, JavaServer Faces Framework, PrimeFaces, XHTML views and creating/consuming of REST services. • Creating SQL queries / procedures for report generation to obtain stock purchase calculation. • Working on collections, logging data, business logic flow, algorithms and others data structures in Java 7/8. • Developed several modules in backend and frontend about how to display the funds, according to client’s requirements. • Deploying war project SIEF in server WebLogic. • Worked on forms and others components of Angular 7/8 to communicate with the backend and manipulate data retrieved from web services REST. • Designed on web pages with Angular Material. • Worked on Spring Boot 2 for creating REST services.
FISA Clients Web Application
May `18 - Dec `18
7 months
Financiera Independencia SA de CV, Mexico (CDMX)
Financiera Independencia is a financial institution that grants personal, group and payroll loans as well as insurance for low-income individuals and FISA Clients is a web application for their clients, to check their account statement, make payments, and register a new user account.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Analyzed the project’s requirements from business as well as costumers. • Developed all backend from zero for mobile application FISA Clients. • Worked on Maven 3 to build the project. • Worked on Spring Boot 2, for creating/consuming of both REST and SOAP services. • Worked on microservices with Spring Boot and Postman tool. • XML/JSON creation for REST/SOAP services to interact with outside FISA system and using XML/JSON parsers to parse the XML/JSON requests/responses. • Developed several modules of project registration, login, check/download account statement PDF. • Developed tokens for login and registration using JWT (Json Web Token) library. • Deployed war project in server JBOSS EAP.
Cascadas de Bursatilizacion Totalplay (Securitization Waterfalls of Totalplay)
Aug `17 - May `18
9 months
Corporate Totalplay, Mexico (CDMX)
Securitization Waterfalls of Totalplay is an internal web application to register company debt amounts in order to assign a priority each one through drag and drop tool and for generating several reports and charts to obtain information about its operation.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Developed modules on Struts2 Framework and bootstrap for frontend. • Worked on design pattern, DAO, Front Controller, Singleton and Facade. • Consumed SOAP web services for creating, reading, updating and deleting data from outside servers. • Worked on MyBatis for persistence data and generated reports and charts on JSP view. • Worked on JSTree Plugin to drag and drop items on JSP views. • Worked on ChartJS Plugin to display charts on JSP views.
Maintenance internal portal
Dec `16 - Jul `17
7 months
Financial Services Libertad, Mexico (Veracruz)
In this project I provided maintenance to the one module from billing web system where I was responsible for detecting and correcting errors, also to improve the functionality of the system and make some changes in the Frontend according to the needs of the company.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Developed custom Java Script functions for front-validations using AngularJS. • Implemented changes in Frontend using Bootstrap and JQuery. • Worked on new Store Procedures for correcting issues found. • Worked on forms connected to Controllers through Angular. • Developed custom DAO files for improving communication in transactions.
Analysis Main System
Oct `15 - Nov `16
1 year
Trader of Beer Products, Mexico (Veracruz)
An analysis of different internal systems of the company was carried out to detect errors that affect its functionality. The systems that presented a large number of problems were the warehouse and sales, where we solved a series of errors shown at the time of showing the search results, new stored procedures were generated, and XML files were used for information mapping as well as new web services for the interaction of information with others databases.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Implemented web services REST/SOAP of the project using WSDL, SOAP, JAX-RPC and JAXB. • Worked on Spring MVC with Hibernate and JavaServer Faces. • Improved performance by doing performance testing of every module and fixed potential issues. • Worked on creation of documentation about flow business and bugs fixed.
Migration PHP to Python
Mar `12 - Sep `15
4 years
Media Companies SA de CV Mexico (Veracruz)
PHP-to-Python web applications were migrated using a connection to the PostgreSQL database for information management and storage. Dynamic web pages were developed that allow the subscription to telephony services by means of a cell phone number which is registered and stored for the constant sending of publicity, games and multimedia content. The company's employee system was maintained, where new functionalities such as work history were added and modifications were made to the Frontend.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Developed foremost modules of the project using python concepts, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and PostgreSQL. • Worked on CMS Plone based in Python for migrating several PHP-websites. • Worked on consuming web services SOAP in Python. • Developed python scripts for running a routine background job through linux Crontab. • Worked on AJAX calls from HTML views. • Developed several SQL queries in PgAdmin tool for PostgreSQL.
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Information services & Technologies, Healthcare & Medicine, Food & Drink, Cybersecurity & Data Protection, Data Science & Machine Learning, Big Data, Automotive, Branding, design, web development
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