Mauricio G.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC -03:00
Senior Python developer
Grade average of 81/100.Software design. C/C++.Assembler. Python. Docker,Docker Compose. andKubernetes Linux.Microservicies. Backend:Django, Flask, FastAPI,apiREST, APIGW, GraphQL.Cloud Services.: AWS, GC. Git.Threading. Protocols: MQTT,AMQP, Modbus. DataScience: Scikit-learn, Sci-py,TensorFlow, Numpy. Digitalsignal processing. ComputerVision: OpenCV
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Years of commercial development experience
8 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Infotree, Tech Lead, Intel USA IoT
Sep `21 - Jul `22
10 months
1.Build and maintain restAPI with Django and Flask 2. Data adquisition system with RS232 and MODBUS 3. Create docker images and deployment with docker compose 4. Train and evaluate machine learning and deep learning models 5. Object monitor using OpenCV 6. Person tracker 7. COVID-19 pandemic project: one-way monitor, line monitor. 8. Urban sound classifier using RandomForest 9. Detect when a machine is broken based on the sound that emmits
Responsibilities & achievements
1. Define microservice architecture of the entire solution: Redis, InfluxDB, Postgres, GraphQL, Celery, MQTT, RTMP/HLS 2. Mentoring 3. Scale solution with Kubernetes 4. Define observability stack for backend and edge devices: Prometheus, Telegraf, Grafana 5. Deployment using Helm 6. Google Cloud Anthos 7. AWS
Gloria Football
May `20 - Sep `21
1 year
Social network related to soccer 1. Build and mantain GraphQL API with Django and Celery 2. AWS: Lambda, API Gateway, RDS, Route 53, EC2, SNS, S3, VPC Networking, ECR, Cognito 3. Define microservice archtiecture for backend components: Django, Celery, FastAPI - Intel IOTG USA Role Tech Lead AI models running on edge devices (AI pipelines) generates real-time data and emmits a video signal with inferences. The real-time data and video stream must be showed in a browser. The real-time data must be stored in a DB for analytics. Some of the AI models needs an alerting system for eg. a weapon detector.
Responsibilities & achievements
2. Mentoring 3. Scale solution with Kubernetes 4. Define observability stack for backend and edge devices: Prometheus, Telegraf, Grafana 5. Deployment using Helm 6. Google Cloud Anthos 7. AWS
Python developer Vates
Oct `16 - May `20
4 years
This role it required skills as Web Developer The main activity was to develop new features for the website - Design and implement Back-End tasks as new services, new filters and new models for Data base.
Responsibilities & achievements
Python developer related to IoT projectsBackend: Django, Flask, rest APIDS; TensorFlow, Numpy, PyTorch, Scikit-learnComputer Vision: OpenCV, OpenVINOEmbedded SW
Rosario/Argentina, Buenos Aires/Argentina, Cartagena/Colombia, Barranquilla/Colombia, Veracruz/Mexico, Monterrey/Mexico, Rio de Janeiro/Brasil
Core Expertise
Information services & Technologies
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