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Luis is a Frontend Developer with more than 10 years of experience working with different companies in different projects,
Luis is a Frontend Developer with more than 10 years of experience working with different companies in different projects, the last 4 year he has been working with Angular in its latest versions. He also has experience working with HTML5 and CSS and designing frontend architectures.
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Years of commercial development experience
0 year of experience
Core technologies
Project Highlights
Mar `21 - Present
4 years
TAPIT: For AMBEV platform that allows the user to trade coupons for prizes, using React, reactNative, Firebase FireStore and microservices, the user is able to interact with the website, and with physical stations, getting results in real time. - WORKFORCE: For the University of Maryland, this platform, works as a sort of Udemy for courses sponsored by the university or other actors, made with gatsby, react, strapi, algolia a as course search motor, and MYSQL. Participation as a Lead.
Responsibilities & achievements
● Working as Senior Frontend Developer. ● Providing maintenance and support to the application. ● Helping the team by doing some adjustments for the migration of the application from Angular 8 to Angular 10. ● Changing the technology for Linting, bringing some performance improvements on the migration from Angular 8 to 10. ● Working with Scrum. ● Technologies: Angular, JavaScript, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS, SASS.
Oct `19 - Mar `21
1 year
YAPE: Mobile App that allows the user to transfer money between cellphones, participation as a Mobile frontend developer. This app was made using NativeScript and Angular, with a user base of 11 million users is by far the largest transfer money app in the country.
Responsibilities & achievements
● Working as Senior Frontend Developer and Hybrid Mobile Developer. ● Designing the frontend architecture for the application using VIPER and LEAN architecture. ● Developing new features for the application on the web and mobile side. ● Creating new functionalities, like, cashout functions. ● Working on new security measures with the team. ● Providing maintenance and support to the application. ● Helping other team members to accomplish the team goals. ● Working with Scrum. ● Technologies: Angular, JavaScript, NativeScript, HTML5, CSS, SASS
Aug `18 - Aug `19
1 year
PLATFORM for integrated services: Platform for integrating the bank's main services, based on Polymer and CELLjs, CodiGo proprietary of the bank
Responsibilities & achievements
● Working as the Tech Lead and responsible for the architecture for the Project. ● Designing the architecture for an integrated services platform using a BBVA framework called CELLS. ● Developing different components for the application. ● Creating a prototype for the application. ● Leading and managing the Frontend Team of six frontend developers. ● Making the project from a POC to a full fledged project. ● Working with Agile Methodologies. ● Technologies: JavaScript, Polymer, CELLS, HTML5, CSS, SASS, Lit Elements, Unitest.
Independent Consultant
Oct `15 - Oct `18
3 years
Independent Consultant
Different projects for different clients.
Responsibilities & achievements
● Working as Lead for the Front End Team. ● Developing one page applications for online branding. ● Developing animated infographics and interactive maps based on submitted designs and own designs, using HTML2, CSS and JS. ● Working as Frontend developer and designer, in charge of animation, layouting and developing functionalities. ● Developing the Automation of templates for use in the branding landing pages. ● Creating a backend technology for quizzes and dynamic infographics. ● Creating a boilerplating for google maps API. ● Creating custom plugins in JS for the different projects. ● Technologies: HTML5, CSS, SASS, COMPASS, Javascript, AngularJS, JQuery, PHP, MySQL.
Jan `15 - Oct `15
9 months
Developing new functionalities for the application.
Responsibilities & achievements
Working as Frontend Developer. ● Developing new functionalities for the application. ● Implementing new features on the project and analytics. ● Developing solutions for the application. ● Fixing issues. ● Performing Code Reviews from other developers. ● Working with Scrum. ● Technologies: HTML5, CSS, SASS, COMPASS, Javascript, AngularJS.
Higher Education
Lima, Peru
Core Expertise
Logistics & Transportation, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance
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