Iryna P.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC +02:00
Software Architect / Team Lead
I'm a client-oriented, purposeful, highly motivated and outgoing individual with paying attention to details. I like to work with complex tasks, find solutions and optimize current solutions. I’m interested in working with web development, Data science and Big Data fields. Data Science is newer for me than web development. I dived into it 3 years ago and got some experience in data investigation and models creation based on analysis. I do like dipping into data and finding something new. The main web frameworks I am using are Django and Flask. I work with PostgreSql, MySql, Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, RMQ, ZMQ (Yes, I love databases).
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Years of commercial development experience
13 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
May `21 - Dec `22
2 years
US corporation
Building a system to manage different types of oil/gas production and related objects including investments. There are several applications for admins and clients (web and mobile).
Responsibilities & achievements
My responsibilities were to manage a team, analyze and clarify requirements, take a part in backend development and project management, review and improve architecture.
Apr `21 - May `21
US Startup
Building a PoC to find news that impact stocks changes and be able to predict it (in simple way) and notify users via telegram.
Responsibilities & achievements
My responsibilities were to create a PoC.
Feb `21 - Apr `21
2 months
US startup
Building a task management system.
Responsibilities & achievements
My responsibilities were to create an architecture for the system and control the start of development.
Sep `20 - Jan `21
4 months
Israeli Startup
Building a personal assistant for development teams using a single dashboard that is integrated with different systems (calendars, VCS, task management tools like Jira). The assistant improves productivity with actionable insights that help a team deliver faster.
Responsibilities & achievements
My responsibilities were to prepare the system for production and add customers to the system. To do that a team was focused on system stabilization by fixing a huge number of bugs and creating functionalities that depended on customer requirements.
Jun `20 - Sep `20
3 months
Nordic company
Building an interactive LMS system to increase cybersecurity awareness among client companies employees.
Responsibilities & achievements
My responsibilities were to improve the code base, consult developers and take part to improve the DevOps things of the projectNDA.
Car rental
Feb `19 - Jan `19
US company
Car Rental ML-enhanced project
Responsibilities & achievements
Handle provided sources, get data and prepare it for ML engine. Create a model to predict demand. Detect useful features. Help businesses to find the major directions for development.
Sep `18 - Jun `19
9 months
US Startup
The project is to sync different calendars to one mobile application. It helps to manage your own time and create events with other people.
Responsibilities & achievements
create the architecture, validate the estimations, help to find the correct solution
House price prediction
Aug `18 - Jul `18
US company
Prediction of house prices that depend on different conditions with linear algorithms.
Responsibilities & achievements
Prepare data and create a working model.
IoT cloud platform
Apr `18 - Jun `18
2 months
EU Startup
The project aimed to collect, store and process data to use this information in marketing research.
Responsibilities & achievements
optimize current project to increase speed.
Feb `17 - Mar `18
1 year
US company
The project syncs Data scientists' data from Snowflake, aggregates and builds the diagrams.
Responsibilities & achievements
consult to improve project, to make complex SQL queries, conduct code audit
Light IT Portal
Aug `16 - Present
9 years
International software development company
Useful system to get opportunities to have information in company quickly. It allows reaching different data of employees, communicating between each other and managers, get company news, etc.
Responsibilities & achievements
I was a Product owner and a Tech Lead at the same time; create the architecture, validate the estimations, work with a designer, manage the team’s solutions, increase page speed by making profiling.
Light IT
Jun `16 - Sep `20
4 years
International software development company
I took part in all projects where it was needed to find the best solutions and to solve/answer tech questions of developers/clients; managed process for Light Academy and other work I prepared below. I participated in a huge number of projects to develop different solutions. The whole list of projects can be useless so I indicate a short list as an example of my experience. The short project list where I participated as a Team Lead: - The company's internal portal - Teamicate - The project is to sync different calendars to one mobile application. It helps to manage your own time and create events with other people. - IoT cloud platform - The project aimed to collect, store and process data to use this information in marketing research. - NDA - The project syncs Data scientists' data from Snowflake, aggregates and builds the diagrams.
Responsibilities & achievements
- to analyze requests - to conduct researches - to organize the team - to advise on questions, solutions, approaches - to manage the estimation of tasks/projects - to manage the work on the projects - to make code reviews - to control projects workflow - to create and implement workshops for the company - to create and implement attestation for the company - to organize the training of developers - to control the knowledge growth of developers - to organize and control teacher’s plans for Light Academy - to organize and develop the Data Science department I participated in a huge number of projects to develop different solutions.
Blockless Proxy VPN
Mar `16 - Dec `16
9 months
EU company
These are Chrome and Firefox extensions to work with VPN
Responsibilities & achievements
Developing Chrome and Firefox extensions
Aug `15 - Mar `16
7 months
US company
This is an aggregator of feeds from 5 sources (ShutterStock, Behance, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter). Get data about followers, images, hashtags to find top words about every search word. This service is designed to find trends and further compare them in sets. Using the functionality associated with the sets, you can determine which users are present in several trends of the selected set and which of them are present in the remaining sets.
Responsibilities & achievements
Refactoring, application optimization and development.
Mar `15 - Jul `15
4 months
US company
CRM for marketing & sales operations for separate clients.
Responsibilities & achievements
Worked on both - frontend and backend parts
Jun `14 - Jan `15
7 months
US company
The project is an images search platform. Commercial websites selling images are included in the search (about 20 websites). Search is made by keywords. Beyond self-made search engine, a third-party API is used to determine images by their graphic content. The goal of the project is to find the same images on different websites and determine where exactly it is cheaper. Another mission is to follow statistics by images: which ones are better sold, on which website, by which keywords etc.
Responsibilities & achievements
Creating architecture and development. Application optimization for maximum speed and scalability, collaborating with other team members and stakeholders
Aug `11 - Apr `14
3 years
US corporation
Enterprise applications for production management
Responsibilities & achievements
Developed backend part of the project. Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability, collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
Jan `09 - Aug `11
3 years
US corporation
Enterprise applications for production management.
Responsibilities & achievements
Developed backend part of the project. Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability, collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
Education & Science, Business & Productivity, Logistics & Transportation, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Information services & Technologies, Entertainment & Games, Construction & Real estate, Sports & Fitness, Advertising & Marketing, Statistics & Atalytics, Fashion & Style, Travel & Tourism, Healthcare & Medicine, Safety & Security, Food & Drink, Arts & Culture, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity & Data Protection, Data Science & Machine Learning, Big Data, Automotive, Entertainment
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