Denis G.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
Golang developer - 10 years of software development experience.
Creative programmer with over 10 years of software development experience. Always, before writing any line of code, he tries to find several options that may be more beneficial for the development of the product in the future. Requires himself to always doubt the correctness of the choice of solution, but this always leads to excellent results. Worked on golang for the last 4 years. Has programming experience php, java, js, react-native as well as experience in back-end integration programming with mobile devices (Android, IOS). He was engaged in writing integration tests selenide, selenium, cucumber. Has experience with nginx, apache, postgres, maria(mysql) etc. Always looking for new options in the rapidly developing world of the IT industry in order to have the necessary programming skills in time.