Kaique M.
Location Map Pin Brazil
Main Clock UTC-03:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
React and Angular 6+ 10 years. It uses HTML, HTML5, CSS, SASS, TypeScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, REST, SOAP, Insonima, Postman, and Swagger APIs.
Professional has been working with React and Angular for 10 years, version 6+. It uses HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, TypeScript, JQuery and Bootstrap on a daily basis. Consumes REST, SOAP, Insonima, Postman, and Swagger APIs. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB and Firebase. RabbitMQ message queue. It already worked with support. Cloud on AWS, Azure and GCP. Architecture in Microservices and Clean Code. Performs tests with Jasmine. Concept in Solid. For code versioning it makes use of Git, GitLab, BitBucket and Azure DevOps. Scrum and Kanban agile methodologies. Containers in Docker.