Elton Jhony Romão De O.
Location Map Pin Brazil
Main Clock UTC-03:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
His professional interests are software engineering, agile development, mobile development ( iOS, Android), open source development and IoT.
As a Senior iOS Developer, he's responsible for creating, architecting and maintaining mobile apps with the latest architecture patterns and techniques, always seeking to improve code and deliver value to products. Currently, his main technology stack is iOS in which he already worked with Swift and Objective-C. He has been building production apps with Swift since the first quarter of 2015 and SwiftUI since the beginning of 2021. Main specializations: ✔ Swift ✔ Objective-C ✔ Kotlin ✔ Design Patterns: MVVM, MVP, MVC, VIP, Coordinator, Factory, Builder, SOLID... ✔ Agile: SCRUM, Kanban... ✔ Programmer Tools: Xcode, Instruments, Git... ✔ Frameworks: CocoaTouch, SPM, Carthage, UIKit, Core Data, Swinject, SwiftUI, XCTest, Junit... His professional interests are software engineering, agile development, mobile development ( iOS, Android), open source development and IoT.