Luis R.
Location Map Pin Brazil
Main Clock UTC-04:00 (America/Manaus)
Full Stack Developer and Machine Learning Engineer. Has been in software industry for about 9 years.
Full Stack Developer and Machine Learning Engineer. Has been in software industry for about 9 years working as a full stack engineer in enterprise-grade projects for companies overseas like Samsung, Motorola, Alcatel, Passwordboss and large government institutions, with several development stacks including Django, Flask, Tornado (Python), Symfony (PHP), ReactJs, Angular, Bootstrap, Jquery, Docker, Github, CircleCI, AWS, Azure. Earn a master’s degree in computer sciences with capstone projects, publications and an award, in Malware Identification with traditional Machine Learning, Computer Vision with Deep Learning and automation with Reinforcement Learning. ISTQB Certified Quality Assurance engineer with emphasis on automation for Web, Mobile and AI-backed systems. Fluidly communicate in English, Spanish and Portuguese. GITHUB: