Upper Intermediate
UTC -04:00
Full Stack Developer and Machine Learning Engineer. Has been in software industry for about 9 years.
Full Stack Developer and Machine Learning Engineer. Has been in software industry for about 9 years working as a full stack engineer in enterprise-grade projects for companies overseas like Samsung, Motorola, Alcatel, Passwordboss and large government institutions, with several development stacks including Django, Flask, Tornado (Python), Symfony (PHP), ReactJs, Angular, Bootstrap, Jquery, Docker, Github, CircleCI, AWS, Azure. Earn a master’s degree in computer sciences with capstone projects, publications and an award, in Malware Identification with traditional Machine Learning, Computer Vision with Deep Learning and automation with Reinforcement Learning. ISTQB Certified Quality Assurance engineer with emphasis on automation for Web, Mobile and AI-backed systems. Fluidly communicate in English, Spanish and Portuguese. GITHUB: https://github.com/roj4s
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Years of commercial development experience
9 years of experience
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Project Highlights
Magic - YC startup
Jun `23 - Present
2 years
- Implement and maintain payment related features including direct bank transactions, bank account verification, refunds, risk management. - Developed and deployed a REST API with Django. - Setup development and production infrastructure with Docker and GitHub actions. - Static code analysis setups with ESLint, pylint, black, flake, mypy, isort, bandit, prospector, xenon, pydocstyle.
Responsibilities & achievements
- Implement REST API endpoints with Django Rest Framework. - Create and integrate frontend components with ReactJS. - REST API integration including thir-party services with axios and redux async thunks. - Integration with Dwolla and Plaid for payment related functionalities. - Setup deploy pipelines with Docker and GitHub actions. - Constructed backend model layer including database schema with Postgres and Django models. - Wrote unit tests for backend with pytest and jest. - Gitflow feature management on GitHub (code-review, pull-requests, hot-fix) Technologies: Django, React, AWS, Docker, localforage, Redis, CRA, vite, redux, OpenPGP, Prettier, ESLint, Typescript, pytest, conda, gunicorn, celery, PostgreSQL.
Underwriters Labs Projects
Nov `22 - May `23
6 months
Underwriters Labs
- Integrated several features on UL sensor legacy system. - Developed and deployed a REST API with Django and documented with swagger. - Setup development and production infrastructure with Docker, GitHub and AWS. - Static code analysis setups with ESLint, pylint, black, flake, mypy, isort, bandit, prospector, xenon, pydocstyle.
Responsibilities & achievements
- Implement REST API endpoints with Django Rest Framework. - Create and integrate frontend components with Vue. - REST API integration. - Setup Django commands and automated routines. - Setup deploy pipelines with Docker, AWS (EC2, S3, ELB, SNS), conda, gunicorn and celery. - Configure Github ecosystems for several submodules. - Constructed backend model layer including database schema with Postgres and Django models. - Wrote unit tests for backend with pytest. - Deploy API documentation system with Swagger. - Gitflow feature management on Github (code-review, pull-requests, hot-fix). Technologies: Django, Vue, AWS, Docker, localforage, Redis, CRA, vite, redux, OpenPGP, Prettier, ESLint, Typescript, pytest, conda, gunicorn, celery, PostgreSQL.
Oct `20 - Oct `22
2 years
• Developed a Progressive Web App using React, Workbox for service workers, Dexie for front-end database, SCSS for styles, Redux for state management and OpenPGP for data encryption. • Developed and deployed a REST API with Django and documented with Swagger. • Setup development and production infrastructure with Docker, Github, Circle-CI and AWS • Static code analysis setups with eslint, pylint, black, flake, mypy, isort, bandit, prospector, xenon, pydocstyle.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Implement REST API endpoints with Django Rest Framework • Create ReactJS UI components • Integrate ReactJS UI components with Django REST API endpoints • Setup Django commands and automated routines • Setup deploy pipelines with Circle CI, Docker, AWS (EC2, S3, ELB, SNS), conda, gunicorn and celery. • Configure Github ecosystems for several submodules • Constructed backend model layer including database schema with Postgres and Django models • Wrote unit tests for backend with pytest • Wrote unit tests for React with Jest • Deploy API documentation system with Swagger • Code-reviews on Github • ReactJS optimizations (tree shaking, modules lazy loading, memo hook) Technologies: Django, ReactJS, Typescript, AWS, Docker, Dexie, localforage, Workbox, CircleCI, Reddis, CRA, vite, redux, OpenPGP, Prettier, ESLint, Typescript, pytest, localforage, conda, gunicorn, celery, Postgres.
Motorola’s Eldorado Institute
Oct `19 - Oct `20
1 year
Motorola’s Eldorado Institute
• Leaded a team of four engineers, constructing a solution integrated on Motorola’s. • Constructed a distributed framework for Machine Learning models training, inference and evaluation based on microservices infrastructure. • Obtained models used in Motorola devices for Computer Vision tasks like super-resolution, Bokeh rendering, demosaicing, deblurring, color-correction. • Integrated Machine Learning models on Motorola phones using tensoflow delegates.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Mentored three interns for six months to catch-up with some technologies used by the team (TensorFlow, Django and git) • Leaded a team of four engineers, constructing a solution integrated on Motorola’s phones involving tasks as prospection, prototyping, time management (Jira, Scrum) and deploy (Docker, Kubernetes, ElasticStack, AWS). • Implement microservices with Flask, Tornado, RabbitMQ and signal • Setup Docker and conda environments for backend systems deploys • Create database architectures with MongoDB and PostgreSQL • Train and evaluate Machine Learning models with TensorFlow and PyTorch • Code-reviews on Gerrit • Generate and integrate tflite models on Motorola phones using TensorFlow delegates for GPU, XNNPack and CPU. • Data ETL and visualizations with Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash) • Setup devops solutions for Machine Learning tasks scheduling using Docker, Singularity and SLURM • Front-end tools for Machine Learning experiments visualization using Angular and React. Technologies: Tensorflow, Pytorch, Flask, Tornado, RabbitMQ, signal, tflite, MongoDB, Elastic Stack, Docker, Singularity, Gerrit, SLURM, Opencv, Numpy.
Samsung’s SIDIA Institute
Oct `17 - Oct `19
2 years
Samsung’s SIDIA Institute
• Lead of QA Team on several projects. • Implemented an e-commerce solution deployed on a big retail’s stores front-facing totems. • Implemented a SaaS face-recognition system used in retail stores for client’s authentication. • Created a chat-bot system used in e-commerce solutions
Responsibilities & achievements
• Lead of QA Team on several projects involving tasks as time management (Jira), Scrum meetings mediator, requirements alignment (Confluence), test enviroment deploy (Docker, AWS). • Real-time web solutions for AI-backed systems with Python and NodeJS using web frameworks and middlewares like Django, Tornado, Flask, Express, Jinja, PassportJs, EJS, GraphQL, ReactJS and Angular. • Database management with MongoDB, Postgres and MySQL • Train and evaluate Machine Learning models with Tensorflow and Pytorch • Write automated tests with Selenium, Karma, Pytest, Protractor and Jest • Deploy and mantain CI/CD platform using Jenkins and Docker • Serverless architectures on AWS with lambda procedures • Chat-bot and natural language processing with Rasa and spacy • Test automation solutions for web systems using Reinforcement Learning with OpenAI’s gym. Technologies: Tensorflow, Pytorch, Flask, Tornado, RabbitMQ, signal, tflite, MongoDB, AWS Lambda, rasa, spacy, Selenium, OpenAI’s gym.
Triad Systems
Oct `16 - Oct `17
1 year
Triad Systems
• Lead developer participating on architecture construction. • Implemented an mantained ALCATEL’s ERP used in LATAM.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Lead developer participating on architecture construction (VisualParadigm), database schema definition and deploy setup (Docker, Gitlab). • Analysis, development and support of ALCATEL’s Enterprise Resouce Planning solution (GlobalTools). • LAMP-stack web development with Symfony, Laravel, Django, Yii2, Angular, Bootstrap and Jquery. • Project lead, architect and configuration management using Jira, Confluence, Visual Paradigm, Docker, Gitlab, Technologies: Symfony, Laravel, Django, Yii2, Angular4, Bootstrap, Jquery, Jira, Visual Paradigm, Docker, Gitlab
Instituto de Computacao of Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Oct `14 - Oct `16
2 years
Instituto de Computacao of Universidade Federal do Amazonas
• Second best-paper on SBSEG 2017 (most important event on information security in LATAM).
Responsibilities & achievements
• Research & Development of Artificial Intelligence backed methods applied on Information Security, Malware Detection and Computer Vision tasks. Technologies: Tensorflow, Pytorch, Flask, Tornado, Latex.
Centro de Software Libre (CESOL-UCI Havana Cuba)
Oct `13 - Oct `14
1 year
Centro de Software Libre (CESOL-UCI Havana Cuba)
• Implemented UI components for Cuban GNU Linux Distribution: Nova • Created Android apps used on Cuban Android ROM: Novadroid • Setup server infrastructures for Cuban governamental institutions
Responsibilities & achievements
• Develop UI components using Qt and Gtk for Cuban GNU Linux Distribution: Nova. • Develop Android apps and end to end test automation with Android SDK and Selenium for Cuban Android ROM: NovaDroid. • Deploy server infrastructures for services like email, web hosting, educational platforms. Technologies: Qt, Gtk, Android SDK, Selenium.
Higher education in Computer Science
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