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Senior software engineer and technical lead
My name is Hector Gabriel. I am 38 years old. I have a Bachelor in Engineering, a Master in project assessment and 11 years of experience as senior software engineer / technical lead in telecom, social security, and business process outsourcing (BPO) sectors. A problem solver and adaptable professional who specializes in designing simple solutions (software applications) for complex problems. A natural leader with a proven track in IT operations, clouding solutions, solutions design, software development mentoring, and communication skills.
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Years of commercial development experience
11 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Individual contributor of messaging features
Apr `22 - Present
2 years
Working as a contractor for clients in the restaurant and construction industry
Responsibilities & achievements
Individual contributor for developing messaging features (chat, notifications, and reports) for applications in the restaurant industry. On the other side developing analytics and project management features for an application in the construction industry. On both projects working from conception to delivery. Leading architecture, design, development, and testing. • Designing Business Solutions: Designed and developed functionality for project managers to address current expenditures vs planned expenditures. Project managers now have visibility of the actual costs and the efficiency of their current estimations for mechanical and electrical installations during construction. The stack used for this solution is Frontend React JS, Backend NodeJS, Integrated with Apollo/GraphQL, and Database PostgreSQL. • Solving Conflicts and Problems: Designed and developed functionality for restaurant managers to communicate effectively with their employees using stream chatting functionalities. The stack used for this solution is Frontend React JS, Backend PHP, Integrated with Apollo/GraphQL, and Database MySQL. • Critical Thinking and Innovating: Implemented Superset Embedded dashboards to provide managers with accurate real-time data. The stack used for this solution is Frontend React JS, Backend Python, and Database PostgreSQL
Chain development program
May `18 - Apr `22
4 years
A global technology conglomerate from India that offers innovative and client-centric information technology (IT) services and business process outsourcing (BPO) with ~125,000 employees and $5.3B in revenues with clients like AT&T, Claro, Telefonica, and Televisa.
Responsibilities & achievements
Responsible for managing the supply chain development program from conception to delivery (including training of the production support team). Leading architecture, design, development, and testing. • Designing Business Solutions: Analyzed and interpreted +70processes for AT&T’s supply chain’s business strategy in august 2019. Then in November 2019 derived technical software design and performance requirements to deliver the strategic goal of giving efficient inventory traceability and aligning with best practices in the telecom field. In January 2021 solution was deployed to production managing +10k orders monthly (as of May 2021) and managing +10k users concurrently. The stack used for this solution is Frontend React JS, Backend Java Spring Boot, and Database Oracle 12c. • Critical Thinking and Innovating: The client had information across multiple applications (CRM, ERP, and Inventory Management System) without being correlated, designed and developed a Reports Portal for measuring KPIs and Metrics for AT&T’s Board of Directors managing Supply Chain in Mexico and the United States giving traceability of assets, manage warehouse and perform distribution of inventory according to client’s business strategy. The stack used for this solution is Frontend React JS, Backend NodeJS, and Database Oracle 12c.
mobile network services
Aug `16 - May `18
2 years
A global telecommunication corporation from México that provides mobile network services with ~189,000 employees and $52,747B in revenues.
Responsibilities & achievements
Responsible for delivery and implementation of information technology solutions (cloud and on-premise). • Leading Multicultural and Cross-functional Teams: Led projects to design the best solution for different projects along with teams of business analysts, suppliers, network (LAN/WAN), storage, backups, middleware, and system administrators. Also coordinating implementations with Huawei providers for Private Cloud, Oracle RAC Implementation, and Infrastructure deployment projects. • Critical Thinking and Innovating: Enabled a collaborative project management Application (Frontend: React JS, Backend: NodeJS Express, Database: Oracle 12c) in January 2018 to give traceability of the program’s projects (e.g. scope, schedule, budget, risks) and IT infrastructure resources at management level. Providing project and resource metrics and KPIs.
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
Logistics & Transportation, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Arts & Culture, Branding, design, web development, Augmented reality, SaaS
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