Rodolfo R.
Location Map Pin Brazil
Main Clock UTC-03:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Professional with over 20+years of experience in the technology area, and I have worked with cloud solutions in the role of SRE and DevSecOps
- I owned a company called ARVISTECH. This company had two specific segments of operation: Blockchain and Managed Services. - I’ve participated in a Hackathon to BRF (https://www.brf-global.com/en/about/our-location/brazil/), as an Azure Specialist, supporting and helping interns and candidates with some ideas to innovate and change the ways of BRF on doing distribution and meat quality assurance. - I worked as an instructor/teacher in SENAC(https://suicobrasileira.sp.senai.br/), in the year 2007/2008, teaching concepts of programming, Infrastructure, and Virtualization -At Credibilit, I was the Tech leader of the team responsible for certifying the company as an Enterprise partner of AWS, being at the time, the only company in Latin America to achieve this level of recognition and certification, which in the end, ensured its sale to CLARANET which is one of the largest service companies, today recognized in several countries.