Gustavo S.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC -05:00
Senior Developer, Javascript, React and Node. 10 years working with javascript.
Senior Developer, JavaScript, React and Node. 10 years working with JavaScript.
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Years of commercial development experience
10 years of experience
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Project Highlights
It projects
Jan `20 - Jan `23
3 years
Big staffing company in South America that provides software development services to big clients and big projects. He is working on a great project that makes cargo transportation easy for all clients, drivers, curriers and customers.
Responsibilities & achievements
Transfix - Transportation company that uses technology to improve and optimize processes in the cargo delivery process. Technologies used: React, Redux, Apollo Client, JavaScript, TypeScript HTML5, CSS3, Styled Components, Webpack, Git, Scrum. How these technologies were used?: They use React and Apollo to manage the UI rendering taking into account the performance, implement geolocalization tracking to track trucks position and progress on specific shipments, Storybooks to make sure we have consistency on the components a avoid bad smelling a keep the code DRY and easy to maintain. Responsibilities: Create new features from scratch and take them successfully deployed to production, Fix Bugs, Code review, Contribute to improvements in the code base, Interview new potential candidates to Frontend positions, Estimate complexity for new features Technologies: React, Redux, Apollo Client, JavaScript, TypeScript HTML5, CSS3, Styled Components, Webpack, Git, Scrum.
IT projects - Mobile
Jun `18 - Jan `20
2 years
Staffing software company that provide stag augmentation services to big companies such as Samsung.
Responsibilities & achievements
Contributed to two projects for companies that provide solutions to a high amount of users. ● SamsungNEXT - The main project for this was a platform that helps users follow workout routines from their Smart TVs and Mobile Apps, I worked on the trainer CMS interface. I'm worked as a Frontend Developer using new technologies such as React, Redux, Apollo Client, JavaScript, TypeScript HTML5, CSS3, Styled Components, Webpack, Git, Scrum. ● TMRW - This is a platform that manages bio human material related to the reproductive human asistence such as eggs and sperm. He is working as a Frontend Developer using new technologies such as VueJS, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Styled Components, Webpack, Git, Scrum. How these technologies were used?: We used these tools to build an admin interface to help embryologists manage the biomaterial and save it securely in the correct positions in the sample container. He created a UI using Vue and Vuex where users could see where the samples were located so they can manage them properly. Responsibilities: Join requirements meetings to get requirements, Talk to the client and interact with the business, backend and design teams. Create new features from scratch and fix bugs, Define and design solutions for new implementations, collaborate on bringing up ideas of improvement to the project and codebase Technologies: VueJS, JavaScript, React, Apollo Client, Redux, HTML5, CSS3, Styled Components, Webpack, Git, Scrum
Dysney – IT projects
Apr `16 - Jun `18
2 years
Software company that provides engineering services to big companies as Disney, Southwest, Google, Autdesk etc. He worked on a wide variety of projects with multiple high level challenges of high quality projects
Responsibilities & achievements
Projects he worked on: ● Autodesk: I worked on this project as Frontend Developer creating a new web 3D project based on a preview desktop application where users could estimate costs of a construction project based on a rendering uploaded or created on the platform. Technologies used: Docker, Node.js, Javascript, React, Redux, Webpack, Babel, ES6, ThreeJS, Mocha, Chai, Express.js, AWS, AWS ECS EC2, Jenkins, Scrum, Git. ● National Geographic events: Frontend the development of a website to show and allow users to search about National Geographic's available events. This project was a redesign of the current page. Technologies used: Drupal 8 (Frontend), Twig, Jade, SASS, Gulp, HTML, JavaScript, Mocha, Chai, Express.js, Bower, Twitter Bootstrap, Git. ● Handerr: This is a shopping platform for the sale of services between users. Technologies used: Angular.js v1.5, Angular-Material, Restangular, NPM, Gulp, SASS, Node.JS, Express, Jasmine, Bower, Git, JSHint, Babel, Lodash and MomentJS, Jira, Browserstack. How were these technologies used?: In the web application for Autodesk I used React to render a 3D canvas in a DOM element and I intranet with this canvas using a ref in React, he used a cross platform Autodesk library by creating a custom webpack loader to load this in the React project, In this project I was doing the POC so I created a cluster in AWS using EC2, S3 and Cloudformation to do the architecture test implementation. Responsibilities: Create new features, Fix bugs, Code reviews, Estimate new features, Make architecture decisions Technologies: Docker, Node.js, Javascript, React, Redux, Webpack, Babel, ES6, ThreeJS, Mocha, Chai, Express.js, AWS, AWS ECS EC2, Jenkins, Scrum, Git, Drupal 8 (Frontend)
Media services projects
Jul `15 - Apr `16
9 months
Prodigious/PDG Is a company that provides software and media services to big brands and well established companies. He worked on challenging features that are used for a high amount of users around the world.
Responsibilities & achievements
Projects he worked on: ● Vans/VFC Corporation : This is a website where users are able to customize their pair of shoes by selecting color and selecting the pattern images uploading their own jpeg files that will be printed on their items. Technologies used: VueJS, REST, SASS, ThreeJS, Git. ● Renault, Nissan, Infinity, Dacia “Helios alliance”: www.renault.com.co, www.infiniti.com.cn, www.datsun.com, This is a project for a major brands vehicle alliance. The goal was to build the Renault, Nissan Infinity and Datsun website developing frontend generic modules for the main site and customizing for the alliance brands according to UI and UX Designer team's definition, always using the highest quality code standards. Technologies used: Grunt, Backbone.js, VanillaJS, Jasmine, SCSS, Bower, RequireJS, Git How were these technologies used?: For the Vans project I worked on a micro frontend integration that was deployed in the Vans official web store, I created a new feature where users were able to upload a pattern image that will be printed to the actual pair of shoes, he implemented a view that sent information to endpoints that update the recipe that customize the products, users could see how their items will look like, for this he update the local store with the uploaded image after this was processed and saved to a AWS S3 bucket, this image remote url was set up and a new render was triggered to a ref that displayed the 3D canvas using ThreeJS. Responsibilities: Create reusable vanilla JS components from scratch, Fix bugs, Push code to master branches from start to prod release, Code review, Estimate new features complexity, Mentor Junior team’s members Technologies: VueJS, REST, SASS, ThreeJS, Grunt, Backbone.js, VanillaJS, Jasmine, SCSS, Bower, Git
Start up projects
Feb `12 - Jul `15
3 years
This company allows users to buy a catalog of experiences and give them away as gifts to their family and friends so they can enjoy fun experiences. In this Start up he created an entire Semi-automatic booking system where clients were able to communicate directly with providers to book their gifted experiences
Responsibilities & achievements
Projects he worked on: ● E-BOX (July 2013): Customizable e-commerce to sale experiences or take prizes of Starbox client contest. Technologies used: Javascript, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, Grunt, Bower. ● Custom CRM (Dec 2012) Private project: He built a custom CRM to people of Customer Service team save it all of coupon, booking, surveys and sales information. Technologies used: JavaScript, Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, Grunt, Bower, Git. ● Stargroup (July 2012): Partners website. Technologies used: JavaScript, Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, Grunt, Bower, Git. ● Company’s website (Feb 2012): It’s a company that sells experiences for those who want to give gifts to their family or friends, then your friend can choose the experience that he or she wants to enjoy. Technologies used: JavaScript, Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, Grunt, Bower, Git. How were these technologies used?: he used Jquery and Vanilla Javascript for validations on form fields, Twitter Bootstrap for template implementations a themes creations, In this project we implemented dynamic CSS stylesheets generation from the backend using color and styles variables taken from the database, the user was able to update this values from a UI from the custom CMS we created, these styles were associated to a specific business color scheme. Responsibilities: Create advanced features from scratch, Fix bugs, Multiplatform maintenance, Architecture decisions, Software Design Technologies: JavaScript, Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, Grunt, Bower, Git.
Jan `10 - Feb `12
2 years
National University Of Colombia
worked as a Web developer at the Economy Faculty building a custom CRM for managing common tasks and saving information about university agreements. Using Vanilla Javascript, Jquery, MVC, POO.
Responsibilities & achievements
Projects he worked on: ● Custom Contracts CRM (Jan 2012) Private project: He built a custom CRM to improve management at the agreement process. Technologies used: JQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, LESS, Gulp. ● Custom Payments CRM (Jan 2012) Private project: He built a custom CRM to improve management at employ pays. Technologies used: JQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, LESS, Gulp. How were these technologies used?:he created several interfaces where users were able to submit documents that allow them to bill the university so that they can get the payments for their services. The system asked the contractor to submit a list of documents and people from the University office approved their invoices to be paid. Responsibilities: Create new features and apply styles to the custom CRM and apply validations, generate PDF reports Technologies: JQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, LESS, Gulp.
Core Expertise
Logistics & Transportation, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Construction & Real estate, Healthcare & Medicine, Automotive, Branding, design, web development, ERP
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