Juan Alfonso C.
Location Map Pin Colombia
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Bogota)
Specialist in software engineering, with competencies to analyze, design, implement, develop and support technology solutions
Telecommunications Engineer with skills in research and project management with knowledge in design, configuration and management of next generation networks, digital signal processing, telematics systems, topologies and transmission media, cellular and microwave networks. Proficient in logical analysis, programming languages ​​and management of computer software. Experience in installation and administration of technological infrastructures in distributed and high availability environments. Person with communication skills and business interpretation. Ability to design solutions that align the organizational vision with technology. Apt to integrate information from different disciplinary fields concurrent to a common project, abstraction capacity, ease of oral and written expression. Excellent personal relationships, leadership, critical and innovative capacity, great facility for teamwork and decision-making; high analytical potential oriented to results and effectiveness in the development of the work, in the stipulated time and meeting expectations.