Jeykher Alberto P.
Location Map Pin Venezuela
Main Clock UTC-04:30 (America/Caracas)
Look for software solutions keeping the code as simple and optimal as possible.
1.- Finish domotic and IoT projects without having any knowledge of using web technologies to create a user interface to control electronic devices. 2.- Learn new development tools and new technologies every day. 3.- Graduate college 4.- Have the opportunity to learn from different areas such as Serverless (Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Digital Ocean), Dev/Ops (Github action/pipelines), Testing (Jest / Cypress), Desing (Illustrator | Figma), Electronic (Arduino | Raspberry PI | ESP32), Networking, Servers. 5.- Create a Pet quoter for insuring the company from scratch and coupling it to other company solutions using ReactJS and NodeJS. 6.- Finish my first project doing design, frontend, backend, database, and deployment.