Patrick C.
Location Map Pin Peru
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Lima)
Patrick is a backend developer/database administrator with more than 10 years of experience with. NET. Skilled with C#. He knows .net 5 .net core
Working with Cemex, in upgrading technology project. • Upgrade Net Framework 4.6 projects to .Net 6 version, business logic, and test projects with Azure Storage and Entity Framework. Deploy these in Nuget package in Azure DevOps feed through Azure DevOps Pipelines and Release Manager. • Upgrade API MVC project from Net Framework 4.6 to .Net 6, Deploy this in a container image to Azure Container Registry later to Azure Container Instance that is part of API environment managed by Azure API Management. • Implementation and Deploying of all changes though Azure DevOps (TFVC) in version branching strategy. Tech Stack: .NET core, Azure DevOps, c#, .NET 6, nuget package.