Thiago N.
Location Map Pin Brazil
Main Clock UTC-03:00 (America/Fortaleza)
I am skilled and knowledgeable in Java, Dart, Kotlin, Objective-c. I have worked with Mobile and Web apps, my specialty is Mobile.
I have been working as a developer since 2012. I have worked with Mobile and Web apps, my specialty is Mobile, preferably Android Native and Flutter development. I have taken on personal projects like games and educational apps. I have worked on projects for national and multinational customers. I am skilled and knowledgeable in Java, Dart, Kotlin, Objective-c, and other mobile languages and tools such as FireBase, SQLite, Coroutines, Retrofit, etc. In my former position, I worked with EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) and MDM (Mobile Device Management) development agent DPC (device policy controller) for management devices for Android and iOS. In my current position, I am working with Flutter and Android (Java and Kotlin), and Firebase to make AB tests, experiments, tracking crashes, implementing notifications, and other features.