Maksim B.
Location Map Pin Serbia
Main Clock UTC+01:00 (Europe/Belgrade)
Experienced Android professional as well as with design concepts, application architecture and development lifecycle.
Experience with Kotlin and Coroutines, multimodular architecture Strong experience in mobile development using Google Android platforms. Developed and designed multiple Android applications across versions, good understanding of current Android UI guidelines/material design concepts, application architecture and development lifecycle. Expertise in developing applications for Android Operating System using Android Studio, Java, XML, JSON, Web Services, Android SDK. Strong knowledge of Android basic components i.e. Activity, Fragment, Service, Broadcast Receiver and Content Provider, Data Persistence and HTTP Requests, multithreading, memory management, optimisation. Experienced working with AGILE and SCRUM methodologies. Experience with RxJava, RxAndroid, Dagger2 andButterknife. New Jetpack technologies and methods coupled with SOLID clean architexture