Jhon B.
Location Map Pin Colombia
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Bogota)
I've been building distributed applications for more than 15 years, I am passionate about providing meaningful experiences
Skills: • Problem decomposition and solving. • FrontEnd Technologies: AngularJS, React, VueJS, WebPack, Babel, Grunt, Browserify, Flex Grid. • Backend Technologies: NodeJS ( ExpressJS, LoopBack, Aws Lambda Functions), Django (Django Rest), Laravel, JavaEE. • Database Engines: Postgres SQL, MySql, MongoDB. Redis, DynamoDB, Elastic Search • Cloud Platforms: Amazon Web Services: Lambda functions, Dynamo DB, cloud formation templates, API gateway, SNS messages, IOT(MQTT), Ec2, S3 Buckets, Docker, Google Cloud • CMS Platforms: WordPress, Joomla, OST Ticket • E-Commerce Platforms: Magento, OpenCart. • Operative Systems: Ubuntu Server, Centos, Mac OS • Product design and development. • Software Architecture, Development Methodologies, and Modelling Languages. • Leadership