Carlos M.
Location Map Pin Mexico
Main Clock UTC-06:00 (America/Mexico_City)
An accomplished software engineer specialized in web technologies, fervent follower of the scene javascript and enthusiastic.
An accomplished software engineer specialized in web technologies, fervent follower of the scene javascript and enthusiastic. With a complete experience about making applications with Javascript from the scratch to the final product, involved with every process inside the development lifecycle and leading developers team focused only to deliver applications with the best quality standards. TECHNICAL EXPERTISE ● Strong javascript knowledges, understanding about grammar, asynchronous programming, scope (dynamic, lexical), functions and the way javascript uses as first-class, data privacy with differents techniques (closures), modules, etc. ● Strong knowledge in React and architectural patterns like Flux. ● Strong knowledge on state management libraries/frameworks such as Redux, Mobx, etc ● Strong knowledge on webpack as JS bundle tool, able to set up using Webpack according to the project needs. ● Strong knowledge on Docker and Docker compose as tools to create and link containers as services. ● Expertise in AWS and derived products such as EC2, ECS, S3, Cloud Watch, etc. ● Strong AngularJS and Angular(2+) knowledge ● Strong knowledge on the mobile ecosystem (Swift) ● Strong Architectural design patterns. ● Stranglehold making apps for mobile ecosystem with ionic. ● Stranglehold with lastest javascript versions (es5 and es2015) for es2015 i use babel as a transpiler (es2015 to es5) ● Strong knowledges with task runners as gulp and grunt creating scripts to simplify many process (files concatenation, linter, code transpiling, etc.), management module blunder such as webpack and browserify ● Strong knowledges with Node.js, developing web apps, API ́S to consume data, creating real time applications with, also knowledges in protocols (TCP, UDP), i use express.js as my work framework. ● Strong knowledges with MongoDB, MySQL, Redis. ● Strong management of css, using SASS as preprocessor, understanding box model, flex and making beautiful UI. ● Experience in testing and debugging ● Experience with Jasmine, Mocha, Sinon and other test tools. ● Experience with TDD. ● Experience as a Linux user. ● Experience with Nginx as load balance tool for web applications.