Upper Intermediate
UTC -03:00
I have worked in good companies with many challenging tasks, some alone others in a team. Always delivering everything in due time and form.
In these years I have gone through several experiences with different languages both professionally and personally. I have realized that more of the technology you use, it is very important to have the agility to solve problems independently of their implementation. These years I am characterized by having responsibility and a good predisposition to the obstacles that appeared to me passing them on to all of them.
Want to hire this engineer?
Check if Juan Cruz is availableExpertise
Years of commercial development experience
7 years of experience
Core technologies
Project Highlights
Jan `22 - Apr `23
1 year
Parser - Rappi
I was TL in this project, it is in charge of showing the cards that the user had, their balances and the different options that they had in the financial app. Likewise, they participated in the entire redesign of rappipay, collaborating with the Design System teams.
Responsibilities & achievements
Participated in the development
Rappi Login - Home
Jan `21 - Dec `21
11 months
Parser - Rappi
This project was in charge of rappi's home page, all its widgets to show new offers, alerts, and triggers for flows such as restaurants or markets.
Responsibilities & achievements
Participated in the development
Rappi Login - Home
Jun `20 - Dec `20
6 months
Parser - Rappi
This project was in charge of the app session, the onboarding of the user in it. Validation of mail, telephone, and capture some data.
Responsibilities & achievements
Participated in the development
Despegar Login - Home
Mar `19 - Jun `20
1 year
This project consisted of two parts, the first part was in charge of managing the entire app session with the refresh/access token protocol and guaranteeing the logging and refreshing of the tokens to all app services. On the other hand, they also worked in the takeoff home, a tourism platform, where tickets were sold to fly, hotels, etc. In this project it was dedicated to showing offers, and all the accesses to the purchase of resources.
Responsibilities & achievements
Participated in the development
MercadoPago Home
Jun `18 - Mar `19
9 months
Mercadolibre - Argentina
This project was in charge of all mercadopago activities, how to show them to users with their details. He was also in charge of showing the account balances and the performance that it generated by having it there.
Responsibilities & achievements
Participated in the development
MercadoPago Point
Dec `15 - Jun `18
3 years
Mercadolibre - Argentina
The application was connected to ponets so that local or street vendors could charge customers with credit and debit cards.
Responsibilities & achievements
Participated in the development
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
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