Jamer R.
Location Map Pin Colombia
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Bogota)
Senior developer, independent, with more than 5 years of experience.
Senior developer, applying React Js, with Javascript or Typescript, Node Js, MongoDB, Express, I also can apply others kind of framework like Sharepoint Online, Sharepoint Framework using React to create customizable WepParts, lists, documents, site contents, @pnp library, fabric UI and more, leading development teams in different industries including Defense, Education, Mapping, IoT and others. I am passionate about building information systems and helping customers to accomplish their needs and business goals. My specialties include: React Js, with Javascript or Typescript, Node Js, Express, NoSQL (MongoDB), SQL ( Postgres & SQL Server), Web Api, ApiRest, Firebase, Software Architecture, HTML5, CSS3, Design Patterns as Material UI, Fabric UI, Saas, Bootstrap 5, React – Redux – Toolkit, control props, initializer, Formik, AzureDevOps, JWT, unit test with Jest, sharepoint online, sharepoint Framework, Microsoft Platform and GitLap.