Aleksandr R.
Location Map Pin Poland
Main Clock UTC+01:00 (Europe/Warsaw)
5 years of professional experience. Participated in JavaScript (Typescript), Node.js, and React.js projects.
I am a full-stack developer with 5 years of professional experience in JavaScript (Typescript), Node.js, and React.js. I have a strong preference for working in the fin-tech domain, with a focus on payment processing solutions for businesses. My expertise includes backend technologies such as Node.js, Express, Koa, and Nest.js, as well as frontend technologies like React, Next.js, and Vue. I have experience in designing project architectures, implementing features, writing unit tests, and integrating with third-party services. Additionally, I am skilled in working with databases like PostgreSQL and MongoDB, as well as using tools like Prisma and TypeORM. I am also proficient in AWS services and have knowledge of Docker. With my strong problem-solving abilities and attention to detail, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality code and solutions.