Ivan L.
Location Map Pin Nicaragua
Main Clock UTC-06:00 (America/Managua)
I’ve been working as a Fullstack developer for 8 years. I’m a self-learner, with an ability to contribute to implementing best practices.
- I’ve been working as a Fullstack developer for 8 years, so I have a strong understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and have worked with frameworks/libraries such as Angular, React or Remix. - Likewise, I’m a self-learner, with an ability to contribute to implementing best practices, design patterns, or good conventions like mobile first, or SOLID principles. - I’ve been working closely with other teams like UX/UI teams, regarding improvements or being focused on product owner needs. - Furthermore, I’m so confident in my skills to achieve the team goals, because of my entire dedication to deliver high-quality results, and be in constant research in order to have a better understanding of development context.