Anthony N.
Location Map Pin Peru
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Lima)
A Collegiate Engineer System and speaker with 11 years experience in Architecture of software, development of Software and database
Antonhy is a Collegiate Engineer System and speaker with 11 years experience in Architecture of software, development of Software and database .Domain of different programming languages both a server as client such as .net framework, core 2.0,2.1,2.2 ,3.0,3.1 ,5 ,6 and 7 ,java,node js ,jquery,android ,react and angular js,2,4,5 , 6,7 ,8,9 , 10,12,13 ,14 and 15. Proactive , responsible ,self-taught and with hability to lead a team to one only project goal. knowledge of microservices.I am currently an official microsoft technology instructor and I teach .net core 2.0 ,2.1,2.2 ,3.0 ,3,1,5 and 6.Ich