Christian F.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC -04:00
I consider myself a proactive result oriented person, and problem solver. In my opinion these two are my greatest strengths.
I reduced deadline time by about 10% by using mock responses for unavailable endpoints, which has reduced the deadline for releases. I Improved application performance from 90% to 99% by productively detecting a data race problem too hard to do in shared mutable objects. Solved by implementing SOLID principles, good CGD handling and concurrency I taught the iOS team how to troubleshoot and detect problems with the data race condition in shared mutable data using CDG, advanced swift knowledge presented with Diagrams and decoupling of the must modules to improve the next project with similar behavior to be implemented.
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Years of commercial development experience
4 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Credit Card
Oct `22 - Jan `23
3 months
Bank from Novacomp
Bring to the customer the complete management of their credit cards (enable/disable, report stolen, block it for travel) they also be able to pay credits and more…
Responsibilities & achievements
I Built new features in mobile apps and SDKs to compile on Apple's new architecture. I Refactored code to make it more scalable and decoupled. I Integrated new features in sdk to be consumed from the main application. I Implemented new functionalities in SDK to consume API services (REST). I Integrated new functionalities from the base application with the sdk to make requests to the back end. I Performed UI design from scratch to completion and delivery of the project for iOS & iPad screens.
Fix Main Screen (Data race condition in mutable data shared)
Aug `22 - Oct `22
2 months
Analyze and solve a hard issue in our main screen for some customers
Responsibilities & achievements
Analyze the issue from crashlytics report Decouple the code modules (applied SOLID principles making any module with only one responsibility, inverting the dependencies, use protocols for any case Segregation interfaces left it open for extension and close for changes) Create serial queue to prevent and protect the mutable data shared for concurrency to serial updates using Dispatch-group Test and reply the case using XcodeTools to detect data race condition from Persistent Module, UI module, Network module.
Mar `22 - Apr `22
Build a new OnBoarding process for new customers and trial or free to premium status.
Responsibilities & achievements
I built the UI for iPhone and iPads devices. I handled User default to make secure enough if this user is premium. I updated all the Language management and selector making it a new option in the settings and when the app has started for first time in the app. I implemented the whole feature using MVVM Pattern using Templates created by me to make it easer to implement.
Paywall & Premium Process
Dec `21 - Jan `22
Create a new feature and reuse the code to make payments.
Responsibilities & achievements
I analyzed the request and implement the payment process in Paywall and Premium process sections. I created a dynamic container to decide which layout to display from JSON response from endpoint or local JSON default file if it has any problem getting it from the server. I implemented the UI design for iPhones and iPads. I fix cache polities from URL Session request in both ways to request data from server.
Unimóvil Plus
Nov `18 - Oct `21
3 years
Bank in Bolivia
Our clients would do several transactions, like manage account, transfer between owner accounts, transfer to different accounts in the same bank and others banks (ACH), schedule transfers, pay credits, request DPF, manage debit card, etc
Responsibilities & achievements
I built projects from design to final deliverable. I managed database with CoreData. I developed mobile applications with MVP design pattern. I developed UI with storyboards and xibs. I updated the code obfuscation process in compilation processes to upload to the App Store. I managed WebViews linked with native development. I captured scripts in WebView to perform native operations such as Camera access among others. I developed QR transfer scanning and generation. I implemented the self-management process for transactional token retrieval. I managed maps to show the points of Agencies and ATM's. I built the Unitoken application opening with a single button from Unimovil to get the token quickly.
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
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